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Falling (Chapter 4)

Mackie, Avie, and Jessica all ran off the stage and out into the crowd. People were screaming and grabing for them. Mackie, Jessica, and Avie ran to where we were. Mackie handed Kelley and Melanie a rose, Jessica handed hers to Ashley, and Avie gave me one. They all told us to follow them and they grabed our hands and ran for the stage enterance. We got pulled on to the stage and Avie sat me next to Tay's Keyboards, Jessica took Ash to Ike's guitar, and Mel was placed in the middle of the stage by Mackie while Kelley was at Zac's drums. Tay stared to play "I Will Come To You" and then said "Wait! Ike... why am I singin this? she's over by you." So Ike replied with " I don't know... You sing it. I don't. But I do sing one part so I guess it should be ok." Tay agreed and started playing again. Girls were crying and giving us dirty looks. Then Zac said " Why the Dirty looks? I mean it's not like they're our girl friends. One's mom was just hit by a car and because the other's are her best friends... we brought them up too. So just chill."

Chapter 3
Chapter 5
