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Falling (Chapter 6)

We all realized we needed to eat too. so we got in the bus and headed towards this local place called "Love's Hideout". Mel, Ash, kelley and I all took Avie to the bathroom and when we came out dinner was ordered. In "Love's Hideout" the guys are spose to order for the girls so they did. I asked Tay what he ordered me and He told me... "I got you a HUGE plate of fish." I gave this blank stare. He replied to my stare with... "I'm just joking. I got you a greek dish called Brim." Which is cool becasue my friend in Greece sent me the preperations for it for my English Mythology Project. And it truned out great. Ike got Ash the same as I got, Zac got Kelley a salad, and Mackie insisted that he should get Mel's. So Mel ended up with a huge chocolate sudae. I know, I know that's not good dinner... but to Mackie it is.

Chapter 5
Chapter 7
