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Life Isn't All It Seems (Ch. 2)

"Hey okay we got all of our girls now lets go pick up Steve's"Tilky said "She's not my girl, okay"Stevie said "Yeah but we all know that will change soon” T.J. said “ Oh what would you know you'll only be turning 16 in a week” Stevie said "Oh contraire Stephen I'm the one with a girlfriend"T.J. said kissing Sarah on the cheek "Well we're here go get her tiger"Ryan said pushing Stevie out of the limo. "Hey come in"I said opening the door "WOW!"Stevie said in shock, I was wearing pink leather pants and a tube top and a jacket over "Well thanks I'm not done yet though, I still have to do my make up"I said "Why you look great the way you are now"Stevie said "Well thanks Steve, but I'm a girl it's the whole self-reassuring thing, I'm not excepting you to understand"I said "No I don't, but come on there is no possibly way you could look any more gorgeous"He said making me blush "Fine"I said giving in "but that's your only chance of making me change my mind tonight, I'm very... stubborn"I said "Okay lets go" he said as we headed out to the car "Hey Lexy this is my girlfriend Jennifer"Tilky said "Hi it's nice to meet you"we both said "Hi I'm Stacie Christenson"Ryan's girlfriend said "I'm Michele Philippe"Clay's girlfriend said "And this is Sarah Greenwood"T.J said of his girlfriend "Well it's nice to finally meet the person the guys have been teasing our dear friend Steve about"Stacie said as Stevie blushed "What do you mean by that"I said "Lexy this boys crushin' on you and it's obvious that he's just to macho to admit that he actually likes on of the girl Lou set him up with"Tilky said "Really, well I'll admit I think he's cute but... that's it"I said as we arrived at the club. As we got out of the car cameras flashed in hysteria for Stevie and I, it kinda get's annoying after a while. As we got in Ryan, Stacie, Tilky and Jen went straight to the dance floor and the rest of us grabbed a table. "So Sarah, Michele will you two be joining us on the tour?"I asked "No I have school"Sarah said "Same here"Michele said with T.J and Clay holding them in close "So... Lexy... who are your dancers for the tour"Clay said "Well actually they are my two best friends Melissa Lawler who is 16 and Azia Angel who is also 16"I said "So your the baby out of you three"T.J said "Yeah my birthday's February 3rd though"I said "Cool, three days after mine, that is every four years"T.J. said "That's right you were born on leap year"I said remembering hearing that somewhere "Teej hun, lets go dance"Sarah said as they went off to the dance floor "Well Stephen may I have this dance"I said getting up "Sure"He said fallowing me out to the dance floor as Monica's "Angel Of Mine" came on. "Well this is just great there'smedia in here too"Stevie said "Don't worry about it, it's just because we're the hottest item of tonight"I said "That's the problem, we're not an item"Stevie said walking off "Stephen wait, what do you mean by that"I said going after him "Well you've made it pretty damn clear you want nothing out of this"he said "Who ever said that"I said "We'd only be please Lou"he said inching closer to me "Who said we'd be pleasingg Lou, hell I'd never do anything to please him it'd be to please myself"I said as we were right then about to kiss

Chapter 3