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Life Isn't All It Seems (Ch. 3)

"Hey you two we are going to grab something to eat do you guy's want anything"Ryan said coming over right before we kissed. "Um no that's okay Ry we'll be over in a minute"Stevie said as Ryan walked back over there "You guys T.J won they just were about to kiss"Ryan said going back to the table "Fork over the money guys"T.J. said "T.J. won what"I said walking over "Oh nothing just this bet we made earlier"Tilky said "It would happen to have to do with us"I said pointing to Stevie and I and everyone was quiet "I can't believe you guys would bet on us"Stevie said "Just to let all of you know nothing happened and nothing will"I said running off "Lexy wait"Stacie said running after me "Leave me alone I don't want to talk to any of you right now"I said "Listen I just thought you'd like to know Ryan and I weren't in on it"Stacie said "Well thanks that's great for you"I said as she headed back "So..."Clay said "She won't talk to me and doesn't want to talk to any of us"Stacie said "I'm going to talk to her"Stevie said "Steve didn't you hear me"Stacie said "Yeah but I chose to ignore you"he said "Hey Lexy want to talk"Stevie said sitting next to me "Why would they do something like that"I said "They are right you know"Stevie said "And what's that supposed to mean"I said turning to face him "That we should be together, I do really like you Lexy"he said "Ditto"I said as he leaned in and kissed me as there was a sound of cheers "See we were right"T.J. said "Shut up you guys I'm still mad at you"I said "Yeah but you have someone to make you happy"Sarah said "Yeah that you do Lex"Stevie said "And I'm glad"I said hugging him. then about three hours of dancing and having fun later. "Okay bye baby"Ryan said kissing Stacie goodbye "Well lets drop Lexy off and go home and sleep"Tilky said "Yeah I'm looking forward to that"I said "well here we are"Stevie said "Bye"I said "I'll see you tomorrow"Stevie said giving me a quick kiss "bye Steve"I said as I headed up to me room to find Melissa and Azia "Hey girl"Melissa said "Hey when did you guys get here"I said "about an hour ago"Azia said "Oh I'm sorry I wasn't here I was out with Take 5"I said "So you datin' any of them"Melissa "Yes Steve Sculthorpe"I said "Oh he's a cutie"Azia said "No I'm sorry but T.J. is"Melissa "Anyways we got to get some sleep we have to be at the studio at"I said "Okay see you in the morning"Melissa said "Yeah night"Azia said as we all went to sleep then about 5 in the morning my phone rang "Hello" I said "Why are you calling me at 5 in the morning"I said "Sorry I couldn't sleep and I had to talk to you"Clay said "Clay couldn't it wait until I see you later"I said "No, Michelle I think is cheating on me"he said "SO Clay it could wait"I said "But I think she's with that guy right now I don't know what to do and your a girl and I don't know I just had to call and talk to someone"he said mumbling "Okay listen, go to sleep right now and don't think about it and then I'll talk to you later"I said "bye Clay"I said "Bye" he said and hung up and I went back to sleep

Chapter 4