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Life Isn't All It Seems (Ch. 4)

That morning Azia, Mellisa, and I went into the dance studio just as Take 5 was comming out and I was looking for Clay as T.J. came over "Hey Lexy", "Where is he" I said "Who? Steve?"T.J. said "No Clay I'm going to kill him" I said looking for him "Why what did he do?"T.J said as I found him and ran over to him but instead I ran into Stevie again! "Whoa slow down there, you seem to run into me a lot" Stevie said "Ha, funny!, now let me go"I said "Why whats the rush"he said "I have to kill Clay" I said "Why? You can't do that" Stevie said as Clay stood there and made a face at me "He called me at like 3 this morning and I was trying to do something called sleep"I said "Well okay then" he said as he let me go "Scully!"Caly yelled "Okay wait I can't let you do that, we'd lose a band member"he said as he grabbed me back again "Hey, so thats all I am to you is a band member"Clay said "No Jeff your also a pretty face in this group"Stevie said, "So why did you call her you had to have a good reason, didn't you"Stevie said "I'd rather not talk about it, your not a girl"Clay said "Yeah last time I checked I wasn't"Stevie said "He's mad because he thinksMichele is cheating on him"I said "Well than that would be a good reason"Stevie said "Lex, we need you over here for the dance rehersal for the music video, then we have to go over two songs for the tour"Melissa said "Okay I'm coming"I yelled back "And waite untill I'm done you and me are going to have a LONG talk" I said to Clay. Melissa, Azia and I spent three hours with Katie Timberricco going over the lay out and moves for my music video "Everyday" then we went over two songs of my faster songs "Heaven Sent (you my baby)" and "Forgive Me" which would be on my up comming debut album, which came out in two weeks, I couldn't wait for the album release party, I was so excited and I get to record a song with a member of Take 5 called "When I need you" but I wasn't sure who yet. Later that day I found Clay and went to go talk to him about earlier "Hey Clay"I said walking over to him "Stay away, I really don't want to die right now"he said as I just laughed "I'm not going to kill you, I just wanted to appologize, I was tired, and I wanted to know if you wanted to talk about what's going on"I said "Are you in somesort of good mood"he said "Yeah, I am"I said "You mean Steve finaly got the guts to ask you out"he said "WHAT?"I said "Oh nevermind"he said "Don't nevermind me Jeffery talk"I said "Hey I thought we are suposed to be talking about my problem here"he said "That can be talked about after you tell me whatever you need to tell me about Steve"I said "Fine! He just said that he really likes you and you two about kissed then Ry came over and that he kicked Ryan's @$$ for that and that he want's to ask you out but he doesn't know what you would say and he's being a big baby"Clay said rambling "so you are telling me he likes me"I said "Yes, crazily, not back to my problem"he said "Oh you are so my new best friend, okay so you think Michele is cheating on you right? What makes you think that"I said "Well I called her house and some guy answered, and she doesn't have a brother or sister and it wasn't her dad, plus he sounded our age"he said "That sucks, do you want me to talk to her and see whats up"I said "Yeah"he said as his cell phone rang "Hold on"he said as he answered it "hello... yeah... what... I'm sorry too... whatever... don't bother" he said as he hung up his phone "That was her she... I .... I was right"he said in between tears "Come here " I said giving him a hug "Don't worry about it you'll find someone out there who is worth your time and cares for you as much as you care for her, you'll see." I said "You think"he said "I don't think Clay, I know"I said "Thanks, now I see why Scully likes you"he said "Thanks"I said

Chapter 5 on it's way