Click Here To See BATGIRL, MUNG, & mung's hotel room!! *EG*
Click Here To See The CUZZIVILLE PARTY JULY 97 In Cincinnati, OH
Click Here To See The CUZZIVILLE PARTY 99 In Indy, IN!!
As for my stats.......I am 32 years old, 5'5", brown hair, brown eyes, and forget the weight cuz i ain't tellin!! *L* I am on my second marriage, and hopefully the last! My husband's name is Mark and we have been married for 8 years. We've been thru hell and back during the 9 years we have been together....and amazingly we've lived to tell about it all! We have 2 children whom our lives revolve around ......Ashley is 12 and Ryan is 7. They are a handful at times and get on my very last nerve most of the time.......and to just think.....they aren't even in their teens yet!! AARRRGGGGHHHHH!! It's hard raising a daughter that's 12 and thinks she's 20 and a son that's 7 and thinks he's 16!! Now I can say I truely know the hell I put my parents thru when I was growing up!! *S* Of the few things we do agree on as a family.......we are HUGE DETROIT REDWINGS fans and NASCAR fans!! We go to all the races at MICHIGAN SPEEDWAY........ (I cheer for #3 and #24, my son cheers for #3, #24, #36, & #44, my daughter cheers for #3 and #24, and my husband cheers for #3 and #24! *L* Basically though we cheer for anyone but #20.....our motto is "ABS"......Anybody But Stewart !) DUE TO THE ACCIDENT AT DAYTONA ON FEBRUARY 18, 2001.....PLEASE VISIT MY EARNHARDT MEMORY PAGE! As for hockey......even though we have not yet made it to a REDWINGS game in person, we are hoping to this season! I watch every game on tv.......on HOCKEY nights the tv is ALL MINE MINE MINE!! *L*
As for work........yes, i have to because i have not yet won the lotto! *L* I have been a medical assistant and medical receptionist for 11 years now and I enjoy my job very much. I get great joy from working with the physicians and most importantly, the patients! I especially enjoy the bond that developes with the elderly patients that are seen so frequently......alot of those bonds are more like friendships rather than just staff/patient contact. I've worked in several specialties over the last 11 years, including family practice, peds, ob/gyn, internal medicine, thoracic surgery and cardiology. I left the medical field for awhile but found out that i missed it too much and had to return to it!! I guess i truely love to help people and that's what medicine is! *S* I'm hoping to return to school in the near future (during all my spare time.......HA) and study xray technology!!
As for stuff i like........and i know some of u will say different about this.......but there isn't a whole lot i don't like! *LOL* OK.....OK, so i'm picky about the food i eat, the clothes i wear, the music i listen to, and the way my hair looks.....SO WHAT! *LMAO* My favorite flowers are roses, my favorite color is pink, and my favorite music is country.....though I have recently learned to like some of the newer music my daughter listens to (like Boyz-To-Men, 98 Degrees, Blessed Union of Soul, The Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, Lou Bega, N'Sync, Destiny's Child, Wil Smith) and believe it or not.....I even fought the crowds to take my daughter and her friend to the Backstreet Boys concert!! Talk about a mad house.....I don't ever want to be in an arena with that many young screaming girls again in my life!!!! *L* And of course I like the all time favs like Bob Seger, Phil Collins, Elvis, Cher, and The Eagles. I also enjoy reading a good book, cross-stitching, bike riding, going to the movies, long walks, traveling, talking to friends, spending quality time with the ones i love, going to concerts, collecting (especially angels), and chatting!!
I have met many wonderful people from the 5 years i've been chatting on the Net! Some I have even met RT at our yearly Cuzziville Party and some i hope to meet RT someday.....but never the less, they all mean so much to me! CLICK HERE......This pretty much sums it up for us "Regs" on the Net!
In the past year or so I've found myself doing alot of soul searching and thinking....about myself, my family, my friends, my beliefs, my losses.....and I've kinda changed my way of thinking about some things. I now realize more then ever that my family is the most important thing in my life. If it were not for them I would not be the person I am today. Sadly, I've lost alot of very important people in my life in the last 4 brother-in-law August, my grandmother-in-law Eliza, my step-father-in-law James, and most recently a dear lifelong family friend Maurine. All of these loses effected me profoundly. These loses made me realize that life on this earth will someday end and those of us left behind have the burden of carrying on our lives without those we love at our sides. I truely believe that there is no end to life, but that life just continues on the "other side". Those we love may not be here with us physically but they are always with us in spirit....and I know that even though we cannot always see them or hear them....they are there watching over us.
To August Sr. - We are all left here with questions...the most important being WHY? We do not understand how you could have left us like you did but we do not blame you. We realize that things were a little more then one could handle at that time but we want you to know that we love you and we think of you all the time. There's hardly a day that goes by when we don't think about you or talk about you in some way. Someday we will all be reunited and maybe then we will know the answers to our questions....until then we will carry on and keep you in our hearts and prayers. We love you Aug......*HUGS*
To Eliza - Grandma J....we hated to see you go but we know that you only wanted to go home. We know that you are happy, healthy and at peace in your home now....but we still miss you and love you alot! Whenever I hear a piano being played I think of you! *HUGS*
To Jim - We now know that you knew from the beginning what was going to happen. You "predicted" what the outcome would be and we just brushed it off and said that all would be fine. Now we can see that you truely did know it was your time to go home....and we are amazed that you "knew" that before you ever really got sick. We think of you often and miss you....Ryan misses the fishing trips with you at the lake and Ashley's upset she never got her turn!! We are greatful that David has agreed to continue those fishing trips because they mean alot to the kids...Ryan has many wonderful memories of those fishing trips with you. Rest in peace.....til we meet again......
To Maurine - The woman that was a second mother to me all my life! Looking back now, I think I spent more time at your house then I did my own house when I was growing up! I always considered you and Clarence as my second set of parents...and your family as my own. I know I grew up in front of your eyes right along with your own kids and I am thankful that I had that opportunity. You were always the one person that I could count on to tell me the truth because you always spoke what was on your never covered anything up or sugar-coated it. That was just the Maurine Way! *S* I know you suffered alot near the end and I am thankful to God that he finally called you home so that you were not suffering any longer. I am very sorry that I did not get to see you before you left us....I SO badly wanted to see you again....just to have 10 minutes...... Time had flown by and before I realized it eight years had gone by......the last time we had seen each other face to face was at my wedding......eight years to the day! I so badly wanted u to see my husband and daughter again.....and to meet my son for the very first time.....but when I called you that day, u were too sick and did not want company. I know that you were speaking the truth and that you really didn't want company....or maybe u just didn't want me to see u that way......either way i respected your wishes......but I'm still left with the guilt of not seeing you before you left. I am very thankful that the last time we spoke we said our "I love you's".....something that had always been an unspoken that time i just didn't know it would be the last time i would be able to speak to u. You were a one of a kind lady and please know that I truely do love you and I miss you.
To Terri - One of the dearest chatfriends a person could ask for. Even though we didn't know each other RT....I felt that we did! We shared alot of talks and laughs....though looking back now i can see it was not nearly enough. Rest in peace my friend....and someday we will meet RT....I promise! May u fly with the angels..............Bratwoman's Homepage that she left us all to remember her by......
To Chuck - To my oldest brother....time flies and before we know it years have slipped away. Sadly, our family is one that is not real close and we only get together on special occasions.....and sadly, our last "special occasion" was your funeral. I know we were not real close because of our age difference and our distance....but I always have thought of you as my brother. Our Easter Sunday 2001 was not a very pleasant day......but I know it was the most peaceful day of your life. God Bless You Brother.....I love you!
Disney World......A special link for my special friend JMAN! I'm still waiting for him to take me there! *HH*
Saline Michigan......My hometown
U of M Online.......GO BLUE!!
Etch-A-Sketch.......Your favorite childhood past-time is online now!!
High School Alumni Website.......Add your name and search for long lost friends!
TNN.........Country Music
Broadcast.Com....Listen to music stations all over the world!
NHL......All Hockey!!
Penske Race Tracks.......Which includes Michigan Speedway!! (Shown in the pic below!)
Sylvia Browne.....A great psychic with interesting information from the "other side".
John Edward......A very interesting medium. He can communicate with the dead on the "other side".