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Jesus waits with open arms for you to recieve you as his child!


Come to the Cross


Sin destroyed man's access to God, Christ's death on the cross re-paved the way for man to have full access to God! Adams sin caused all men from that time forward to be cursed by sin and separated from God. Christ bridged the gap between God and man. Christ is waiting for you right now! He wants to accept you into God's family right now! Just have faith and believe the message of the Gospel.



Come to the Cross
of Jesus Christ

He loves you so much it killed him! This picture hardly does justice to what he went through for you and I. Looking at the picture we cannot smell the stinch of death that was hanging in the air that awefull day when Christ was crucified. He took our HELL of us so we don't have too.

Accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior!!

Now that you've been Born-Again, Now what?

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