I am currently run at Lansing Community College and studying a degree in computers.
My cross country teams that I have ran on have been a success. In the two years that I have ran. We have had two national titles. The first year that we won we were not even suppose to win. We never won a meet all year untill nationals. The second year that we ran we won almost every meet. We had a scare at nationals though. The team from Southwestern Indian Poly Tech. Had a ton of their runners ahead of our runners. So we thought that we lost, but our team was confident that we were still going to win. Sure enough with our team finishing so close together we ended up winning nationals by 30 points. I was so happy to win 2 straight national titles. I was something that most people only dream about. I have been running for 6 years. I have received many awards.
I ran my first Marathon. It was really cool. I did not feel like I was getting tired untill the 22nd mile. The last 4 miles were hell. I ran in the NJCAA marathon. I finished 6th in the nation with the time of 2:50.37 to earn all american for the 3rd time in my college carrer. After I was finished it was a feeling that I could not forget. Me having run 26.2 miles. The next few days I could barley walk. I have never been in so much pain. I can't wait till I run the next marathon. I was not even trained to run the marathon. I wonder how fast I will run with more training.
Two Marathons that I would love to run in.