buffy insanity . . . seriously. insanity.
So, back when I started trying to write X-Files fic (we all know how well tha* went, eh?), I swore I would never start writing fic in another fandom. And then I got into West Wing, and I swore that this had to stop.


Alas, I am weak. Here is my drop in the massive ocean of Buffy fic out there.

Original Stories

Coming soon! Watch this space. A work is . . . well, in the works.

Recomended Stories

The following sites are just fantastic. I haven't hit a story on any of them that I haven't enjoyed if not adored. All are archives with the exception of Insect Reflection, which has work by just one author.

Unless credited otherwise, all work on these pages is my own. If you want to link it or archive it, go for it, and I'd love to know where it is. Just make sure my name stays with it.