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U.S. Yongsan Garrison

wpe4.jpg (6775 bytes) wpe6.jpg (7021 bytes) wpe7.jpg (7047 bytes)
wpe8.jpg (8679 bytes) Installation Overview

U.S. Yongsan Garrison, Korea is located in the heart of Seoul, Korea, a city of 13 million. The city is a unique combination of the ultra-modern and a the ancient, and a diverse history of foreign occupation, war and reconstruction. The installation dates back to the Japanese occupation and still has some of those original buildings in use. In direct contrast, Yongsan has some of the newest, and most modern facilities in all the Armed Forces. For example, the Dragon Hill Lodge is an elegant complex of shops, restaurants, and lodging.

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wpeD.jpg (7950 bytes) Must Know Items

- It is absolutely necessary that all family members have a current passport with an A-3 Korean Visa. Upon arrival in Korea, a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) stamp should be placed in all DoD civilians and all family member passports. Call Army Community Service (ACS) for additional information 738-4617.

- You should not ship a lot of household goods. If you obtain quarters on base, the housing office will provide the basic household items, (i.e. washer/dryer, beds, and other furniture). If you live off post, the housing office will still provide the same service, but the apartments are much smaller than most Americans have experienced.


- It is beneficial to PCS overseas with a driver_s license that will not expire soon. Those entitled to have a ROK driver_s license will need a current state driver_s license before testing for the ROK license.

- You should make sure that creditors, membership affiliations, magazine publications, and of course family and friends have your new address. All addresses at Yongsan have an _APO AP_ in the last line of the address. Make sure that the _APO_ is used as the city and the _AP_ as the state. It will assist computerized printed addresses in accepting this type of address.

- Make sure you have all your finances in order. The Consumer Affairs and Financial Assistance Program at your local family service center can help you prepare a budget and resolve credit problems.

- Make sure that you and your accompanying family members have current and up to date shot records. Children needing day care should register as soon as possible due to limited openings.

- You have several options in making overseas phone calls. The major telephone companies, i.e. AT&T, MCI, and SPRINT, have dial-direct service to the US. You can apply for a phone card prior to PCSing to Korea or after you arrive. A second option is to use a Korean pay phone, or thirdly to make collect calls. YOU CAN NOT RECEIVE COLLECT PHONE CALLS ON ON-POST PHONES.

- If you have pets, be aware of pet restrictions. Hannam Village residents (enlisted, junior officers, and Warrant Officers) can not have pets other than caged ones, i.e. birds, fish, turtles in their quarters. Residents of Yongsan housing areas can have no more than two pets.

- When PCSing,do not pack important documents, but instead hand carry all important documents with you (i.e. car titles, marriage licenses, birth certificates, passports, DD214's, and any other documents that may be important in seeking employment or replacing lost or stolen documents.

ZIP Code 96205
Service USA
Host Command 8th Army
Physical Size 0


DSN Country Code 315
DSN Number 738-7999
Commercial Country Code 82
Commercial Area Code 2
Commercial Number 7918-7999
FAX DSN Country Code 315
FAX DSN Number 738-4490
FAX Commercial Country Code 82
FAX Commercial Area Code 2
FAX Commercial Number 7918-3071

--Official Mailing Address--

Street Line 1 CDR, 34th SPT GP
Street Line 2 EANC-SA-FSD-ACS-FS UNIT 15333
State AP
ZIP Code 96205-0177

--Deliverable Address--

Street Line 1 Building #4260
Street Line 2  
ZIP Code 00000

Geographically Separated or Satellite Locations

Commonly referenced areas that are actually a continuation of the Yongsan installation are: Camp Coiner Sobingo Compound Camp Kim South Post Main Post In addition to these, there are other small installations in the Yongsan/Area II area. They are: K-16 Installation Camp Colburn Camp Market Far East Engineers (FED) Compound

Nearby Installations (Listed Separately in SITES)

State/Country Site Name Service Distance
South Korea Camp Casey USA  
South Korea Camp Henry-Taegu USA  
South Korea Camp Humphreys USA  
South Korea Camp Page    
South Korea Kunsan AB USAF  
South Korea Osan AB USAF  
South Korea Camp Hialeah-Pusan USA  
South Korea Yongsan USA  

Major Unit Listing

Unit Command Point of Contact Commercial DSN Fax
  2nd INFRANTRY DIVISION     (315) 732-8851 (315) 732-8885
  8th PERSCOM     (315) 724-3884 (315) 724-6730
  18th MEDICAL COMMAND     (315) 737-5546 (315) 737-3034
  U.S. ARMY TROOP COMMAND KOREA     (315) 723-3352 (315) 723-5839
  1st SIGNAL BRIGADE (USASC)     (315) 723-4820 (315) 723-3218
  1st BN, 43rd AIR DEFENSE ARTILLERY BN     (315) 788-5872 (315) 788-5949
  19th CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DIVISION BN     (315) 723-4548 (315) 723-4552
  501st MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BRIGADE     (315) 723-4335  
  U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, FAR EAST     (315) 721-7523 (315) 721-7487
  AMERICAN FORCES KOREA NETWORK     (315) 724-7982 (315) 724-5870
  USA CONTRACTING COMMAND KOREA     (315) 724-6132 (315) 724-7067