Type and subject matter varies from Realism to Fantasy,sorry no Erotica!!!
Hope You Enjoy! ~Edster~
Like an innocent sponge,soaking up the Socio-environment
A lab vial that accepts whatever potion we choose to concoct,
Be it foul or fair
A blank Hard-Drive waiting for input,
Their computations are based on corrupted input.
Innocents jaded by stereo-typical misconceptions
What is the meaning of Color in a land of Blacks and Whites
Love is a seed that needs to be nurtured,
Hate a weed that grows unattended
Hope is a Dove whose wings can be clipped
With enough rope the Universe can hang itself
Despair is the Demon,Beelzebub;
Bow not unto temptation lest Satan become your Master
The World need not be all Gloom and Doom
Pestilence can be swept away by the brooms of
Knowledge and Wisdom
Knowledge alone can be driven by Evil
Wisdom is the catalyst which clears the clouded potion
Suffer the little children whose knowledge is guided by Fools
They are but the mold whose filling has been tainted
Blame not the innocents but the hands that guide them
Power,like a tree,may grow straight and true or twisted and gnarled
Teach Your Children well,they are the Future
Sew up the wounds,Love is the suture
Let Faith,Hope and Wisdom be your Guides
by : ~Edster~ @Sept/04/1998
You Ain't Right,I Ain't Wrong
The Difference is in Point of View
Sould I Swallow or Should I chew?
It's a Trade Off
Life's a Constant Parody
Satire of the Highest Order
Fight Spite ! Waylay Envy !
Grow Up !
We Are Not One,We Are Many
We Want It All,We Don't Get Any
Life's a Tall Order,Don't Skip Dessert
Hate Hurts !
Who Am I to Put You Down ?
Here Am I,the Consummate Clown
Tryin' to Plant Both Feet on the Ground
Ego Tripping !
Better,Worse,Averse to Change
Daily Routine,Alternating Sane
Dip My Finger in Humble Pie
Day-Glo Hippie !
By : ~Edster~ @May/28/1990 *************************************************************************
We all make mistakes;Some last a lifetime
Others can be rectified in the 'Blink of an Eye'
As you travel down the road of Life
Watch out for the potholes of Adversity
The Hare can win the race if he sidesteps his Ego
The Pluck of the Tortoise gives creedence to Hope
Life is like a bowl of cherries
The Pits may be tossed or swallowed
But one way or other they must be dealt with
In the Ballgame of Life,Everyone gets a turn at bat
If you strike out,Don't despair...there's more than one Inning
Every Player is capable of throwing a Curve-Ball
It's your reaction that determines the Outcome
Even when an Error shuts you down
You can always Re-Boot and start again
If the Error persists you may find the fault is in your Logic
Corrupt Data leads to erratic behaviour
As you pass through the Modem Lines of Life
May your Hardware and Software always be Compatible
And your Interface be User-Friendly
It is now Safe to Shut Down Your System!
by - ~Ester~ @ Sept.8,1998 *********************************************************************************
3 sides to a Corner,It's a puzzeling fact
When You're standing in a Circle,You can't face the back
Which way is Up when you're Down and Out
Does a Shadow-Boxer carry any Clout?
What is the color of Invisability,That's what I want to know
Time is the Keeper,What does it Keep?
Appointments you don't,or Iced Lemon Tea
Can a Whale Wail or a Pail Pale?
You can lead a Horse to Water
But You can't put a Square Peg in a Round Hole
When the Body Dies,what becomes of the Soul?
Is there an Antidote for Anecdote?
Or - Verbose Overdose?
By ~Edster~ @ March 20,1990
PARADOX: A Poem by George Carlin