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The Literate Stuff

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Brunoland, has for the few past months, been an absolute treasure trove of inactivity.  For this, I apologize.
So now that I've completely redesigned and added a few new features, I would like to get the word out about this damn fine site.  To do this I need your help.  Just forward this page to everyone you know. 
Simple really.
For those of you who are visiting for the first time, I'll quote directly from my  previous incarnation:

Welcome to my world.

I post prose, poetry, pics, and whatever else I feel like
Please be aware, some of these links
may contain profanity, obscenities, obscurities, oddities and all manner of objectionable material.
I believe nothing should be censored except that
which you choose to censor for yourself.

So, if you are easily offended, please go elsewhere,
otherwise, enjoy!
If you are interested in
contributing, drop me a note! I'll read or look at everything, but I can't guarantee I'll
add anything.
If you find this page interesting, keep checking back, because I plan on making this a fluid forum.  This page may just change, minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day, and, at a bare minimum, week to week.

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