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We were pretty poor. Didn't have much money at all but I had always tried to make Christmas special. I wasn't good at saving money, especially when there was none to save! But somehow I had saved up about $150.00 which 13 years ago was quite a large amount. Shoot... nothing to sneeze at now if you ask me..haha...well anyway... I had only been a Christian for a few months.. and had been learning about the Lord and submission, trust and faith in Him...All very hard concepts for a former drunken fool. Well, actually hard for anyone. And I was a stubborn one at that. But I wanted to do right. Live right and trust the Lord as I was supposed to do. So when my husband (ex now) came to me and wanted my money I had saved for Christmas I was just in turmoil. It was "my" money... I had scraped and saved and jiggled to get this money so my kids would have a nice christmas. There was no possible way I could replace it before the holidays. No way was I turning it over to him for "car parts". Good grief (which of course was a totally unneccessary thing to me)! But oh,, that nagging voice in my head just would not quit. And boy was I furious. I threw quite the little temper tantrum in the bedroom (I know where my kids got their fit throwing talents)! How could he even ask me for that money? And how could God expect me to give it up. It was for my kids. This just wasn't working right. Who's side was God on anyway?

Well, the struggle in my mind went on for hours. Debating back and forth. Growling at my husband (in my mind of course). Growling at God. Then, He spoke softly to me.."That is not YOUR money...all things come from ME." Oh boy!!! Nothing like getting hit on the head. Okay..Okay... I will give him the money...YOU (meaning the Lord)....will make another way for me, sigh. So I very weakly handed it over to the Lord (those fits will just wear a person out).

I waited patiently for the husband to come back... settled in my mind and to give the money willingly...with out groaning and moaning...I had that peace that we all love so much. He came in and I said when do you need the money.. He said, "well I won't need all of it.. just about $50.00.." I was astonished... I immediately looked up..."Haha...You just know what you are doing don't you Lord!" But that was not all. When the mail ran, I received a check for 80.00 ...back support actually .. I was 30.00 ahead of the game... Can't beat that now can ya. Is God good or what!

So what is the point? Well just incase you didn't pick it up. We are to understand that the Lord is the channel of our money and our blessings. The point was not that the man deserved or needed the money...nor how much I wanted to keep it. The point was that all things come from God in one channel or another.....and if one closes...well, He just changes the channel...(I wonder if He has a remote..hehehe) And we praise Him for them...and we give with a cheerful heart...

Cindy Riemer Copyright 1999 ©