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Austria - Not What We Were Hoping For...

This was supposed to be a great race. Okay, Schumi really wasn't pulling down the FTDs like he had in the past, but no matter. Austria was going to be a great fight, and perhaps an excellent victory for Schumi to place him firmly in control of the championship again. Even his lack-luster qualifying session did nothing to dampen my spirits. I got up early on Sunday, whipped up some eggs, and threw a pound of Andouille sausage into a skillet. With a batch of pancakes coming off the griddle I sat back to enjoy a splendid and fattening meal and (hopefully) a spectacular race. Twenty seconds later my hopes were dashed, as Ricardo Zonta punted Schumacher off the track. DAMN! The fine breakfast was forgotten, the race was a total loss, and I had better things to do than watch the McLaren boys waltz around the A1 Ring. Okay, I did end up watching the whole race, hoping beyond hope that something would fail on the McLaren cars. It was for naught. There were no good duels up front, pit stop strategy was useless, and Ruebens Barichello did little to carry the flag for Ferrari (though he did manage a podium finish).

I'm getting really sick of hearing the British national anthem, let me tell you...