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Snow Scraping for Dummies

Ah yes, the joys of winter driving. Once again, the weather offers new challenges for us drivers. Amazingly, though, I find that stupidity of other drivers presents more challenges to me than Mother Nature. Now, instead of the usual dumb maneuvers, I'd like to discuss that first activity that should take place BEFORE leaving the driveway: clearing the snow off your car.

Already several times this winter I have found myself crawling behind another car, trying to see through the raging blizzard outside. Truth is, it's not snowing! Instead, the minivan driver in front of me has only wiped a postage-stamp sized square of windshield free of snow. Now that he's moving, all the snow on top of his vehicle is blowing straight into my windshield, giving me a simulation of running the Iditterod.

Even if this moron did clear off a square of rear window, it has now invariably been covered with snow from his or her roof. Great. Now they can't see me, either, and the "out of sight, out of mind" mentality takes over. Turn signals aren't used (like I could see them anyway through the mask of snow on them), and lane changes are made oblivious to my actions.

I want to understand what is going on here, so I have developed some reasons why someone would not bother to spend an additional thirty seconds clearing off their car. Here are my theories:
1) The astronomical cost of a scraper doesn't fit into this car owner's budget. Luckily they have enough money to buy the absolute necessities, like the beads hanging from the rear-view mirror.
2) The snow on the car presents such a formidable task that the owner feels intimidated and incapable of successfully clearing the whole thing. These are the same people who own The Clapper so they don't have to reach over to turn off a lamp.
3) Because of the sub-freezing temperatures, the driver is afraid they may contract frostbite. Still, they are willing to brave a trip out just so they can pick up a bean burrito at Taco Bell...
4) The owner has formed a kind of "personal bond" with the snow on the car. They think of it as a family member, and shudder at the idea of a family member lying on the side of the road.

Whatever the case, I'm tired of being in my own personal snow emergency because of it. Get your sorry @ss out of the car and clear the snow.