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Driving? Who said anything about driving?

This one is a real beaut.

I heard about the results of a police investigation from an officer/friend of mine regarding a 13-car pileup on a Michigan highway. The results:

* Three drivers were on the phone at the time of the accident
* One driver was reading
* One driver was trying to get something out of the glovebox

This means that a full THIRTY EIGHT PERCENT of the drivers involved in the accident were doing something OTHER THAN DRIVING!

How many times do you see someone applying makeup while they drive? How about reading the paper? Eating a huge sandwich? Maybe they are fumbling around in the back seat for something, or talking on the phone while writing something down at the same time (probably their auto insurance agent's phone number)...

These people are a menace to everyone on the road. They cause us to miss traffic lights by squatting in front of the intersection minutes after the light has already turned green, they weave across lanes, and sometimes they just start slowing down (usually the phone talkers) until they are doing about thirty on the freeway, until they finally realize they have almost come to a complete stop...

This isn't the LA-Z-BOY at home, folks. You have a ton or so of machinery that is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to control. Put at least as much effort into doing it right as you do the missionary position. Don't even TRY to tell me you can't spare five minutes to eat a sandwich or make a telephone call. Funny, most people are probably NEVER on the phone or eating a sandwich when having sex (yep, that's a pretty picture, ain't it?), yet putting other people's safety in jeopardy seems commonplace. What does that say about your ego and self-centeredness?