DANCERS need a Super Snood to cover their ballet hair bun
and a Super Scrunchie to hold their pony tail securely!
A Super String to accessorize their pony tail beautifully!
A Perfect Petal as a pretty accessory in their hair!
A Super Satchel to keep their money in!
and a Super Sack to hold their hair accessories!
Super Snood I & Snoodie II $5.00 each
Super Scrunchie I & II $3.00 each
Super String $2.50
Perfect Petal $6.00
Super Satchel $4.00
Super Sack $10.00
Super Snood and Scrunchie SET $8.00
Small Set $10.00Save $2
Snood, Scrunchie & Satchel
Super Set $20.00Save $2
Snood, Scrunchie, Satchel & Sack
This web page was created by BCTS! and was
last updated Thursday Jan. 16, 2003! check back often for updates!
This page is hosted by Angelfire!
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