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Dakota's Page

This is Dakota my only Grandson he is one year old and is a little peeler of course. He is very special to us But just a bit spoiled, well I guess his mother will have to pay the price of a spoiled boy.

Ron's Kik'n Home Page[TM]


When a mother loves a baby, she will stay up for Hours on end

When she was a little girl, well that was just pretend

When a mother loves a baby, she'll fulfill his every need When she was a little girl, that's when she planted the seed.

When a mother loves a baby, something she learns very young

To love you as her own, as her mother before her done

When a mother loves a baby and watches him grow big and strong

There's nothing that compares to it, nor nothing that last so long.

This peom is dedicated to

Dakota and his mother.

written by

Ron Wilson


Thanks for coming and meeting my family, I hope to see you back here soon,cause these pages will be updated often. Please drop me an E-mail to let me know what you think.... "DON'T forget to sign my guest book" Updated (Jan, 2000)

Thanks Again. :)

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