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Nobody like Libra

September 23 - October 23
This page is to help you understand how I am and why I am this way. I am a Libra, Jewel of the Zodiac, Cardinal Air Sign, representing balance and charm.

Don't get me wrong, I am not an astrologist or deep off into the study of the signs, but I am a Libra and everything taught about Libras, I am.

If you are a Libra you are gifted by Venus, and given Charm, an ability to see clearly both sides of a story or question, and a taste for the finer things in life.

You will be hated on and misunderstood, just as I am because we are like we are. We are social, charming, and tend to make people jealous, even though we are flirtatious! We can't help it, we love attention and being the center of it.

Just a note Ladies... a LIBRA will romance you right up out yo socks... and shoes... and drawz.. (you get the picture!)

Women of Venus

My Dawgs