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Cichlid Behavior

Cichlids are very agressive fish (yes, even worse than pirhanas!) They are this way because they take care of their young. If you have a tank for cichlids, the biggest fish will establish its dominance over the others. It will make itself its own territory, which is usually the entire tank. You should get 1 clearly dominant fish for your tank.

Most fish don't go very good with cichlids cuz they can't keep up with them. They'd get "chomped" unless you get a shoal (school) of fish for protection. I will talk more of this in my species page.

Cichlids are smarter,faster, and more of everything than most fish. They establish their own social status in a tank (based on size). If you get one at a store, they are one fish that are EXTREMELY hard to catch in comparison with any other fish.

These fish are found in Africa, Central & South America,few in asia, and even in Texas. There are thousands of species world wide, and they come in a wide variety of shapes and colors.

  • Central American cichlids are very commonly dull in color, but they are the most aggressive cichlids. Most are smart, as far as fish go. Tanks that contain Centrals either need to be extremely large or contain very few fish. Not for beginners.
  • South Americans are pretty and docile (for cichlids). These are usually beginner fish, but not always.
  • Ones from Malawi (Africa) are by far the prettiest. Their colors and patterns are ceaseless. They can be very friendly to you (but still aggressive to themselves). They are very common at pet stores and Wal-Mart. Semi-beginning cichlids. (Recommended for best entertainment)
  • I don't know much about Tanganyikans (Africa). I'm not very interested in them, and I haven't seen any where I live. Sorry!

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