Goal #4 Objective B

Objective B:
Without the use of the course text or class notes, the student will identify the investigative follow-up aspects of eyewitness identification.

When a crime occurs and a suspect is not immediately arrested at the scene, the eye witness is frequently the only way of identifying the offender.

Since the eyewitness identification frequently means the difference between freedom and incarceration for someone, the method used by investigators to determine if an eyewitness can identify the offender is carefully scrutinized by prosecutors, defense attorneys, and courts.

The objective of the scrutiny it to serve as a check against inappropriate influencing behavior on the part of the investigator.

Three Primary Methods Used for an Eyewitness to Identify a Suspect
Line-Up -
A system used to determine if an eyewitness can recognize a specific person from a group of persons.

Arranging a line-up

Conducting the Line-Up
Occasionally a suspect will refuse to participate in a line-up. When this occurs, this can be noted in the investigative case file and a photo spread (will be discussed in this objective) should be used.

Show-Up -
When a situation arises in which a proper line-up cannot be arranged quickly, a one-on-one confrontation or show-up may be the only method that can be used for an eye witness identification.

Generally the show-up must occur within about 20 minutes of the crime (some state laws permit more time).

A show-up will be heavily attacked in court by defense attorneys and courts have not been strongly supportive of this method because it is strongly suggestive.

In order for a show-up it to withstand scrutiny in court, the investigator will be required to demonstrate some compelling circumstance that excluded the possibility of a line-up.

Arranging the Show-up
Conducting the Show-Up
Photo Spread -
Osterburg calls this a "Rogues Gallery File." Like a show-up, this is a less preferred method to a line-up.

Arranging the Photo Spread
Conducting the Photo Spread
Regardless of the identification method used, it must be remembered by the investigator that juries regard eye witness identification as very compelling, perhaps beyond it's real accuracy rate.

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