Goal #6 Objective C

Objective C:
Without the use of the course text or class notes, the student will identify specific investigative issues relating to rape and other sex crimes.

Investigative issues relating to rape and other sex crimes

Definitions -

rape (BJS) -
Unlawful sexual intercourse with a female by force or without legal consent.

Other sex crimes include other less specific forms of aberrant behavior

The People Involved -
Sex crime cases must have a priority handling because victims frequently require medical attention and physical examination that can establish rape or sexual assault.

Victim Interview

Goal of preliminary rape or sexual assault victim interview

Physical Evidence -
In addition to physical evidence collection techniques discussed earlier in the course, the completion of a Sex Crimes Investigation Kit (AKA a Rape Kit) should be completed by qualified medical personnel and forwarded to a crime laboratory.

Goal of a crime scene search in a rape or other sex crime:

Osterburg identifies special collection and preservation techniques on pages 492-496.

Role of physical evidence in a rape or sex crime investigation and prosecution

blood -

semen -

saliva -

hair -

fibers -

markings -

Records and Other Sources of Information -

Follow-up Activities -

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