Goal #7 Objective B

Objective B:
Without the use of the course text or class notes, the student will identify specialized investigative aspects for computer and communications technology.

The introduction of computers into society has created both investigative assistance and new opportunity for criminal activity.

Specialized Investigative Aspects for Computer and Communications Technology

Computers in Criminal Investigations

Types of Computers

mainframe -
A high level computer designed for intensive computational tasks. Microsoft Encarta (1994) Microsoft Corporation

Mainframes are computer systems used to maintain large data bases. They are often shared by multiple users connected to the computer via (dumb) terminals.

personal computer (also known as micro computers) -
A computer designed for use by one person at a time.

Personal computers do not need to share the processing, disk, and printer resources of another computer (although they can at the user's option).

Personal computers can be linked together in local area networks (LANs) where data storage, software and other options can be shared.

Types of information that can stored in in computer data bases

Computer Related Crime
Computer related crimes can be perpetrated by the suspect using mainframes, personal computers, or LANs.

A computer crime can only be perpetrated when the suspect has access to the computer he/she is targeting.

Access to a computer system is normally gained through

Types of computer crimes

embezzlement -
Electronically misappropriating funds or deleting records of fraudualent transactions.

misappropriation of computer time -
Unauthorized use of a company's computer for personal amusement or personal gain.

theft of computer programs -
Taking computer programs for unauthorized use or sale.

telecommunications fraud -
Using telephones to defraud telecommunications companies, or other companies that operate over telephone lines.

computer hacking -
The unlawful entering of a computer system.

records tampering -
The unlawful entering of a computer system to change records.

enterprise criminality -
The use of computer to keep records by organized criminal groups.

sabatoge -
Intentional disruption of a computer or system by another person.

Osterburg describes a variety of computer sabotage methods on page 598.

terrorism -
Use of computers to deliver electronic "attacks" on computers and things operated by computers.

Computer Criminal Traits

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