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Mugsy D. Meow

Our "Middle Furchild"

I guess you could say I'm kind like the "middle child", I sometimes get forgotten about, 'cause I'm so quiet! But Meowmie thought I should try real hard not to be so shy, and tell all the other kitties out there about "ME-ow".

I was a "rescue" kitty in every sense of the word. My real Mom had no place to call home, I think when her hoomins found out she was going to have us, they abandoned her. So she did the only thing she could, she found a bush that gave her a little protection, and that was where we came into this world. I had 3 brofurs and 1 sisfur, but I don't know where 2 of my brofurs are now.

The people that lived by my "home", called the d*g catcher to evict us, but when they got there, my sisfur and brofur and I hid under another tree close by and watched as they took the others away. We were only about 4 weeks old, but we were careful to cry to ourselves so we wouldn't be discovered. My brofur decided to strike out on his own, he was really sick, but he thought maybe he could find us a home. Finally, when he didn't come back, I realized that he must have gone to the Bridge, and that I would have to go out on my own. I didn't know it, but while I was gone, my sisfur was discovered and taken into a nice warm house where she was handfed and still lives today. All I have left of her is a picture taken when she was about 8 months old.

I hid in a ditch and tried to find anything I could to eat. There were all these strange noises and other dangerous things out there, so I pretty much stayed hidden. I could hear a hoomin boy calling out to me, but I was too scared to go near him. By now, I was so weak that it took all my energy to run, so when the hoomin came out with a fishing net, I just couldn't get away. He didn't let me go even after I tried to scratch him, and he gave me to this lady he called "Mom". Maybe she was my Mom too.....I hadn't seen mine in so long that I couldn't really remember what she looked like, and this "Mom" had a cat smell to her. That's when I decided to start purring and flexing my tiny claws and see if I could get something to eat....I was starved!! Well, it didn't work out quite the way I had planned, instead of getting some nice warm milk from Mom, she put my down by a saucer of warm milk and put a finger full of warm milk by my mouth. After a few sneezes and sputters, I got the hang of it, and ate 'til there was nothing left. Mom, or Meowmie as I started to call her, made a nice bed for me to sleep in, and I curled right up and went to sleep. This went on for quite a few days, until I was tamer and calmer.

Finally, they took me into this big noisy metal box, and we were moving. I could see the fields going by, but we didn't top until we were surround by big buildings. I was wrapped in a blanket again, and carried inside. There, I could smell all these new d*g and cat smells, and I knew I didn't like this place. I had to get on a cold table, and someone in a white coat poked and prodded me, but things got even worse.........this person stuck a needle in me and took some blood, and then stuck another needle in me to give my a shot! I didn't like that at all. Just when I thought about scratching someone and making a run for it, my Meowmie wrapped me back in my blanket, and we went home. Things went on much as before, I still had to sleep away from everybody. What I didn't know, was that I had to give my shot a chance to work before I could meet Cat-a-Purr, my new brofur.

When I was introduced to Cat-a-Purr, I found out that he was FeLV + which explained why Meowmie had a cat smell on her, and why I had to go to the v*t to get a shot. My hoomin brofur let me sleep on his bed and was always playing with me. I kinda adopted him, and would curl up and purr when he held me. He taught me my favorite game, fetch, and played mouse with me. I was still very timid, but I was happy.
Meowmie left Cat-a-Purr and I home a lot the next summer. A neighbor girl came to feed and play with us, but I was still lonesome. One day, when Meowmie was getting ready for another triip, she surprised us and put Cat-a-Purr and I in that noisy metal box again. Only this time, it was full of stuff and my brofur was right there too. We drove and drove and drove, about 500 miles, but Cat-a-Purr and I slept in the sun and had a good nap. We stopped at our new house and what fun it was to explore everything.........we were HOME!!

Coming Soon.........
Find out about my mew life in "God's Country" in part 2 of my story.

Paw through the rest of our "cathold".

Cat-a-Purr's Final AdventureA Tribute To Cat-a-PurrPooky...Cat-a-Purr's Legacy
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