Break Your Cycle:
You can free yourself from an abusive relationship!
You have a right to say "No!"
- You have the right to set your own limits and to have those limits respected.
- You have the responsibility to communicate your limits clearly.
- You have the right not to be physically, sexually, emotionally, or verbally abused by anyone--friends, family, strangers, or significant others.
- You have the right to ask for help when you need it.
- You have the responsibility to mean what you say and to say what you mean.
When you're first starting to date someone:
- Don't go out with him alone until you know him better.
- Trust your feelings. If you feel uncomfortable or frightened, call a family member or friend to come get you out of the situation.
- Believe your friends and family if they feel uncomfortable about a person or a situation.
-- from "Dating Violence: What It Is," Michigan Department of Community Health