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•=My LoVeY DoVeY pOEm pAgE=•

This page is dedicated to all the lovey dovey people in the world! Especially all the people who are hopeless romantics. =)

High On Love

Looking into your eyes
makes me feel so high.
Up, up like a cloud
coming down only if allowed.
The warm touch, the soft embrace
only makes my heart race.
High as I wanna be, high on your love
just as high as the stars above.
The twinkle in your eyes, your radiant glow
makes me feel as pure as snow.
By Nichole Harris

Come In My Arms

You say that you care about me as much I as care about you
Just come into my arms and you'll know that our love is true.
You said that I mean alot to you and that you think about me all the time
well you should know that you mean so much to me and your always on my mind.
You say you have feelings and that these feelings come from deep within
together we can feel the warmth, tenderness, and affection, just come into my arms and you know I'll let you in.
I want you to know that I care about you so much
that I am so in love with you, you now its my heart you canold and touch
I know deep within my heart that I'll treat you right and treat you good
all you'd have to do is come in my arms, and I'll give you love, you know I would
When I think about how much you care about me, you make my feelings come out,and I think about our love
that I can't think about anything but just to care about you more and its your feelings I'm thinkin of
you have captivated me since we met from the start
I just need you in my arms so that I can hold you really close to my heart
Girl just come in my arms and I'll hold you real tight
just hg me, hold me, kiss me, touch me, and feel me, and know that you'll be alright
By HeartBreak Kid aka Richard Alexander Ponce

NOTE:These poems that you see here are written by not only myself but others as well. If you would like to submit your poem please e-mail me. These poems can be about finding love, losing a love, are anything about life. =) Maybe one day some famous publisher will come across my page, and who knows, you may get lucky. =)
