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My own Poems and Quote

Mc Shannon is a young lonely Londonner, with a comercial boring job that has a special view of the world.Even thought he lives in a huge complex and stressy city, he seems to see life as if everything was clear, obvious and simple.

God Speed

It is dangerous, the big old sea.

So do not think it is a guarantee.

Pull up the anchor and leave the bay,

Open sails and cease the day.

If you want to be really free

And live in love and harmony.

Free to go and free to stay,

Free to wander from June to may.

Do awake and do get up

Don’t be just another ocean drop.

Go, go, go! And never stop

Be your own religious bishop.

Darling I am your daring privateer

And I’ll look in hell for you, my dear.

I will search and I will find

the path from my heart to my mind.

And to overcome my own fear,

I’ll drown myself in beer.

If you would be so kind

Tell me again, do a rewind.

Do awake and do get up

Don’t be just another ocean drop.

Go, go, go! And never stop

Be your own religious bishop

Mc Shannon

Março de 2002

On this side of the Acqua Atlantis

The old buildings still rule,

on this side of the sea.

And like a broken tool

they do not work properly.

If we are to become the best

We need new blood in motion

On valuable things like victory and rest

On this side of the ocean.

Mc Shannon

Abril, 2001


I am now certain,

that if I look back I will see,

a shadow hanging over me.

Like a dark jacket in the summer,

Is something as weird as pink tea.

That is, but isn’t meant to be.

Mc Shannon

February, 2000

The search

An eye glance is not enough,

if he wants a vision not a sight.

The student looks upon its future,

and enhance his career he might,

if he is able to see the sun

where all the others see the night.

Mc Shannon

February, 2000

La vie

It does not matter what you think,

life is what you’ll ever fight for.

Love is a part of life,

so if you want it, you’ll have to fight more.

I love the entire world

and I’ll die fighting, therefore.

Mc Shannon

February, 2000

Mr. Nobody

I´ll tell you the story of a man

who came to London to stay.

He was short, ugly and single

and usually had nothing to say.

Football and a pint of beer

were enough to make his perfect day.

Mc Shannon

February, 2000