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The Great Kat

The Great Kat

ID: Everyone knows you're a guitar/violin virtuoso and your music speaks for itself, so why the image?
The Great Kat: First of all, The Great Kat is the reincarnation of Beethoven and is changing the face of classical music by bringing it to the masses using metal! Wake up! The reason The Great Kat has to be a sexy, demonic dominatrix employing sadistic abuse is because the penis-obsessed, macho, chauvinistic peabrains can't understand anything else!! The Great Kat has to whip all of those faggots into submission to make everyone understand classical/metal genius! Now bow and lick my godly feet, slaves! Now run to The Great Kat website at to see the psychotic image of The Great Kat!

ID: Many people think females will never rise above and beyond males in the music business. What are the advantages to being female in the music industry?
The Great Kat: The Great Kat is not female! The Great Kat is GOD! Everyone must wake up and get out of their 16th century archaic way of thinking! Right now!

ID: What would you tell kids that want to follow in your footsteps musically?
The Great Kat: PRACTICE! Practice until your fingers bleed! Practice until you are on the floor screaming in pain and your arms fall off! Never give up!

Great Kat

ID: You got into metal after hearing Judas Priest...Still a fan of theirs?
The Great Kat: The Great Kat is only a fan of The Great Kat! After graduating from the Julliard School as a violin soloist and realizing that classical music is dead, I decided to take classical into the 21st century with modern popular music. After hearing ALL forms of popular music, I came across a Judas Priest video and realized that I have to metallize classical music by mixing it with metal! I then picked up the electric guitar and began systematically transcribing all of my violin solos to the guitar, thereby inventing the new music of the 21st century: Cyberspeed classical/metal!

ID: Though it's extreme, it may not be as fast as your music, but what do you think of black metal?
The Great Kat: The only music in the world that matters is The Great Kat's classical/metal cyberspeed genius music, bringing classical brilliance to the moron masses! Now listen to brilliant cyberspeed music on the new "Bloody Vivaldi" CD. This is the first CD to combine a speed metal band with an actual chamber orchestra (violins, violas, cellos, double basses) on The Great Kat's cyberspeed version of Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons". We first recorded the MIDI drums, live drums, bass, The Great Kat's four guitars and then added The Great Kat's solo violin, first violin, second violin, and viola with a MIDI cello and MIDI double-bass cello. All this insanity, plus The Great Kat conducting! Produced by The Great Kat, "Bloody Vivaldi" is a groundbreaking four-song CD featuring Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons"--an extraordinary two-minute-and-12-second cyberspeed classical/metal version of Vivaldi's famous piece, with an actual chamber orchestra and full metal band; "Torture Chamber"--Kat tantalizes you with a little S&M on this mini-opera, with crazy vocals, industrial sounds, screams, guitar wailing and abusive Kat lyrics; "Blood"--The Guitar Dominatrix blows you away on this insane 39-second wall of guitar shredding, guaranteed to draw blood from your ears; and Sarasate's "Carmen Fantasy"--a cyberspeed version of the Spanish classical virtuoso violin piece with an electric guitar duet.

Great Kat

ID: I'm sure you love them all, but which of your cds do you like most?
The Great Kat: All Great Kat CDs are revolutionary masterpieces! Stayed tuned for the next Great Kat CD; the first CD to combine a full classical symphony orchestra with a metal band!

ID: Which means more to you: The speed or the classical intricasy?
The Great Kat: The Great Kat uses both speed and classical intricasy when composing classical/metal cyberspeed music! The speed is important to get the brain moving and energized! The classical intracasy is important to stimulate the brain with complex thinking! For the perfect example of speed and classical intracasy, listen to The Great Kat's cyberspeed version of Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" from the "Bloody Vivaldi" CD!

ID: When will you be playing live next? Are you going to be at the next Expo of the Extreme?
The Great Kat: The Great Kat live: Thrashing, abusing slaves, guitar shredding, violin demonic virtuosity, typing, roping, handcuffing, domination, Dungeon of Pain, bloody Torture Chamber, and sick S&M goodies! If you want to see The Great Kat live, then demand it! If you want to witness cyberspeed for yourselves, then spread the word to see the new Beethoven of the 21st century/musical messiah/God--The Great Kat! Then perhaps I will bless you with my Godliness!

The Great Kat

ID: You obviously love technology and it's cool you want to go above and beyond what other bands and musicians are doing. What's next?
The Great Kat: On the next cyberspeed Great Kat CD, I will cybergize the powerful Beethoven's "Eroica" Symphony (Symphony 3)! This will be the first CD ever to combine a metal band with an actual symphony orchestra (horn, winds, tympani, strings, etc.)! Now WAKE UP Infernal Dominion!! The Great Kat is God! Bow to your guitar dominatrix: The Great Kat!

The Great Kat Official Guitar Goddess Website

Contact Info:

The Kat Fan Club
PO Box 20554
Columbus Circle Station
New York, NY 10023

(516) 549-7575
