Sauropod casts Dinosaur Sauropod replicas Apatosaurus Brachiosaurus Ultrasaurus Supersaurus

We provide excellent Dinosaur fossils and cast replicas to museums, universities, and collectors. We ship anywhere in the world and accept checks, money orders, credit cards, PayPal, and purchase orders. Payment plans and escrow are also available on some items. All items are cast in the best resins available.

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Taylor Made Fossils
1546R Irving Avenue
Saint Louis, Missouri 63133 USA
(314) 556-0650
We are open 24 hours. Call anytime day or night


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Apatosaurus excelsus skeleton cast replica

Apatosaurus Femur

Additional photo

This apatosaurus femur measures 59 inches long (1.5 meters).

The original is housed at BYU in the United States.

Resin cast $890 plus crating and shipping.


Apatosaurus femur with optional metal stand: $800 (price does not include shipping)

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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Bellusaurus sui skeleton cast replica

Bellusaurus sui skeleton cast replica.

Bellusaurus (meaning "Beautiful lizard") was a small short-necked sauropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic which measured about 4.8 metres long. Its fossils were found in Wucaiwan Formation rocks in the northeastern Junggar Basin in China.

The type (and only known) species is Bellusaurus sui, formally described by Chao in 1987. Seventeen individuals were found in a single quarry, suggesting that a herd had been killed in a flash flood. Some features suggest they may have all been juveniles.

Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Sauropsida, Superorder: Dinosauria, Order: Saurischia, Suborder: Sauropodomorpha, Infraorder: Sauropoda, Genus: Bellusaurus sui

Bellusaurus (meaning "Beautiful lizard") was a small short-necked sauropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic which measured about 4.8 metres (15.74 feet) long. Its fossils were found in Wucaiwan Formation rocks in the northeastern Junggar Basin in China.

Bellusaurus Skeleton cast measures 420x70x200cm (13.77 x 2.29 x 6.56ft)

Available for sale or lease.

Purchase price: $29,000 assembled

$25,000 unassembled

Rental price $ please contact us.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more pictures or information.

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Brachiosaurus skull cast replica

Brachiosaurus statues

Brachiosaurus dinosaur statue.

Click here for price and more photos.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more information.

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Fiberglass dinosaur statue is suitable for indoor or outdoor use.

Camarasaurus skull #1

Camarasaurus skull cast #1 (the finest known);


This beautiful Camarasaurus skull measures approx. 30 inches (76.2 cm) long, 14 inches (35.5 cm) wide, 21 inches (53.3 cm) height without vertebrae.

Resin cast $3,240 (skull only)

$4,240 (skull with vertebra)

Prices do not include crating or shipping. These costs will be added to your order at the time of shipping.

Optional stand: $75

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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Camarasaurus lentus skull #2 (Juvenile)

Camarasaurus lentus Juvenile skull #2

Resin cast $280 (plus shipping)

Full size Camarasaurus lentus Juvenile skull cast replica.

Size 13" x 6" wide x 9" tall.

Camarasaurus (pronounced KAM-ah-rah-SAWR-us) and (meaning "chamber vertebra") was a large, long-necked plant-eating dinosaur that lived during the late Jurassic period. This sauropod was about 60 feet long and weighed roughly 30 tons.

This is a cast of the skull of a juvenile perhaps half-grown. The original skull was found in Utah.

Color may vary

Camarasaurus skull in matrix cast replica

Camarasaurus very large skull molded as found in situ.

This is a slightly disarticulated skull without lowers and measures approximately .6 meters (2 feet) on a side.

This skull is perfect for study or use in a dig panel.

$ Please contact us for the price.

Shipping cost will be added at the time of shipping.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more photos or information.

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Camarasaurus femur, leg and foot cast

Camarasaurus leg.

This is a cast replica made from a mold of the original fossils.

Available is the complete right hind leg (femur, tibia, fibula, and foot) articulated in an impressive towering display.

The femur showed signs of predation (bite marks) before fossilization took place.

Cast measures 106 inches (270 cm) tall.


Purchase price: $6,000 (price does not include crating or shipping)

This leg is also available for rent

Complete Camaraurus skeleton also available

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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Camarasaurus foot cast

Camarasaurus foot; Jurassic;

Unrestored, unassembled cast $500

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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Complete Camaraurus skeleton also available

Camarasaurus tooth cast

Camarasaurus tooth cast measures 5.5"

This tooth replica displays a finely preserved wear edge where it rubbed against the tooth from the lower jaw.

Photo shows both sides of one tooth

$18 (plus shipping)

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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Complete Camaraurus skeleton cast replica also available

Diplodocus (sauropod) skeleton cast replica

Complete Diplodocus skeleton cast of an adult (sauropod). This skeleton measures approximately 17 meters in length.

Diplodocus skeleton cast replica.

Price varies based on pose.

Unassembled skeleton and other sauropods are also available.

Diplodocus skull cast replica (adult)

Diplodocus cast replica.

Diplodocus was a late Jurassic sauropod with a long neck, elephant-like legs, and a long tail. Diplodocus is named for the two-pronged bones in the center of its long tail. The nostrils were at the top of the head. A member of the "peg-shaped teeth" family of sauropods, the Titanosauridae.

Customer review: "We have received your wonderful diplodocus skull this morning. Thank you"
- Muséum d'histoire naturelle (MHN) Département de la culture et du sport

Adult Diplodocus skull

Resin cast measures 24" long x 10" wide, 11.5" high

$995 Sale: $970 (US shipping: $50. For shipping costs outside the US please contact us

Boxed size 29 x 17 x 14 inches. Weight: 20 lbs.

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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Would you like a Diplodocus or apatosaurus cast replica skeleton? Please inquire.

For our full line of Sauropod dinosaur casts click here.

Dystylosaurus Dorsal Vertebra cast (item #M17)

Dystylosaurus Dorsal Vertebra replica


Vertebra measures 1.1M / 43in.

Dry Mesa Upper Jurassic Sauropod. BYU type specimen. 18-inch centrum.

Dystylosaurus Dorsal Vertebra replica


Crating and US shipping price added in shopping cart.

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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Hudiesaurus sinojapanorum vertebra casts

Hudiesaurus sinojapanorum vertebra cast replicas.

Late Jurassic

This series of dinosaur vertebra were molded from original fossils discovered in Tulufan Basin, Xinjiang.

Hudiesaurus (meaning "butterfly lizard") is a genus of dinosaur from China. A sauropod, it may have been related to Mamenchisaurus.

Resin casts measure: 130 x 60 x 60cm

Purchase for $9,000

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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Klameilisaurus gobiensis skeleton cast replica

Klamelisaurus gobiensis skeleton cast replica. "Klameli reptile"

Middle Jurassic

Molded from an original fossil discovered in Xinjiang

Resin cast measures: 1700x180x500cm (55.77 x 5.90 x 16.40ft)

Purchase for $55,000

Also available for rent

Klamelisaurus is the name given to a genus of dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic. It was a sauropod similar to Bellusaurus, of which it may actually be an adult specimen. It was found in the Gobi desert of Asia.

The type species, K. gobiensis, was described by Zhao Xijin in 1993.

Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Sauropsida, Superorder: Dinosauria, Order: Saurischia, Suborder: Sauropodomorpha, Infraorder: Sauropoda, Genus: Klamelisaurus (Zhao Xijin 1993), Species: Klamelisaurus gobiensis (Zhao Xijin 1993)

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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Kunmingosaurus wudingensis skeleton cast replica.

Kunmingosaurus wudingensis skeleton cast replica.

Early Jurassic

"Kunmingosaurus" is the name given to an as yet not formally described genus of dinosaur. It was a primitive sauropod. Its fossils were found in Yunnan Province, China in 1954 .

Cast measures 1100x200x350 (36.08 x 6.56 x 11.48ft)

Purchase price: $35,000

Also available for rent

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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Lufengosaurus hueni skeleton cast replica
Lufengosaurus hueni skeleton cast replica

Late Triassic

Original discovered in Yunnan

Measures: 450x155x260cm (14.76 x 5.08 x 8.53ft)

Purchase price $25,000

Also available for rent.

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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Lufengosaurus magnus skeleton cast replica

Lufengosaurus magnus skeleton cast replica

Lufengosaurus, meaning "Lufeng Lizard"), was a prosauropod dinosaur which lived during the Early and Middle Jurassic period in what is now southwestern China.

This Lufengosaurus dinosaur skeleton cast was molded from the original fossil discovered in Yunnan

Skeleton measures 600x150x400cm (19.68 x 4.92 x 13.12ft)

Resin cast purchase price $25,000

Also available for rent

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis skeleton cast replica

Mamenchisaurus skeleton cast replica

This dinosaur cast is available for sale or rent.

Purchase price: $60,000

Also available for rent

Also available for rent

Mamenchisaurus cast skeleton measures: 2120 x 300 x 600cm (69.55 x 9.84 x 19.68ft)

The height of Mamenchisaurus at the top of his back is 300cm, and the height of of top of the head is 600cm in normal position.

The original bones were found in Sichuan Province, China.

Skeleton can be mounted in any position you choose.

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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Mamenchisaurus (pronounced mah-MUN-chee-SAW-rus, ) was a plant-eating four-legged dinosaur, known for its remarkably long neck. Most species fossils are from the Tithonian age of the late Jurassic Period.

Plateosaurus engelhardti skull cast replica

Plateosaurus engelhardti skull cast replica

Plateosaurus was an early dinosaur, a long-necked plant-eater from the late Triassic.

Plateosaurus is a basal sauropodomorph dinosaur, a so-called prosauropod. The latest research recognizes two species: the type species P. engelhardti from the late Norian and Rhaetian, and the slightly earlier P. gracilis from the lower Norian.

$400 (plus shipping)

Plateosaurus engelhardti skeleton cast replica also available.

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more photos or information.

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata, Class: Reptilia, Superorder: Dinosauria, Order: Saurischia, Suborder: Sauropodomorpha, Infraorder: Prosauropoda, Family: Plateosauridae, Genus: Plateosaurus.

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Shunosaurus lii skeleton cast replica
Shunosaurus, meaning "Shu Lizard", is a genus of sauropod dinosaur from Middle Jurassic (Bathonian-Callovian) beds in Sichuan Province in China. The name derives from "Shu", an ancient name for Sichuan. It was collected from the Lower Shaximiao Formation in Dashanpu, Zigong. It shared the local Middle Jurassic landscape with other sauropods Datousaurus, Omeisaurus and Protognathosaurus, the possible ornithopod Xiaosaurus, and the early stegosaur Huayangosaurus, as well as the carnivorous Gasosaurus.

At around 10 metres long, Shunosaurus was fairly short-necked (for a sauropod) and had a short deep skull, with fairly robust spatulate teeth. In 1989 its tail was found to have ended in a club, probably used for fending off enemies.

Middle Jurassic

The original fossil was discovered in Zigong, Sichuan

Resin cast measures: 800x150x300cm (26.24 x 4.92 x 9.84ft)

You can purchase this cast replica for $30,000

Also available for rent

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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Supersaurus scapula fossil cast
Supersaurus scapula fossil cast. This is one of the biggest fossil casts you will ever see (if not the biggest). This single vertebra measures a whopping 8ft! (2.5m).

Type Specimen. Dry Mesa Upper Jurassic Sauropod.

Molded from original BYU specimen.

Supersaurus (meaning "super lizard") is a genus of diplodocid sauropod dinosaur discovered in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Colorado in 1972. It is among the largest dinosaurs known, possibly reaching 33 to 34 meters (108 to 112 ft) in length

$2,750.00 (price does not include shipping)

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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For our full line of Sauropod dinosaur casts click here.

Argentinosaurus Vertebra cast with stand (item #A116V)

Dorsal vertebrae from Argentinosaurus (center) and Supersaurus (either side). The vert on the left is the holotype of Ultrasauros, and the one on the right is the holotype of Dystylosaurus, but both of those taxa have been sunk into Supersaurus.

Argentinosaurus Vertebra cast with stand

Cast measures: 183cm / 72in.132 / 52.51 / 20.


This giant vertebra requires a crate for shipping. Crate size: 76 x 56 x 24in .

Crating and US shipping cost added in shopping cart

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more photos or information.

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Ultrasaurus Dorsal Vertebra cast replica (item #M18)

Ultrasaurus Dorsal Vertebra cast replica (item #M18)

(BD03) Dry Mesa Upper Jurassic Sauropod. height 49in /1.3 m.#

$1,650.00 (price does not include shipping)

Please call (314) 556-0650 or email us for more photos or information.

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Weird Dinosaurs poster
This poster includes exciting new discoveries, largely unknown to the general public.

$9.95 (standard) or $14.95 (laminated) plus shipping.

Please email us or call (314) 556-0650 for more details.

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These are some really strange critters. Although well documented, most are rarely mentioned in popular literature. Cryolophosaurus ellioti is a good example. It had a bizarre crest running across its head. Due to its resemblance to Elvis Presley’s 1950’s pompadour hairstyle, it was nicknamed the "Elvisaurus." The paleontologist who described the ugly Majungatholus atopus, said, "It’s the kind of face that only a mother could love." The weird Masiakasaurus knofleri had forward-facing teeth, jutting out from its lower jaw; it really needed a good orthodontist. Stygimoloch spinifer sported bony spikes on its head. Tsintaosaurus spinorhinus had a horn protruding from its forehead, resulting in it being called, "the Unicorn Dinosaur." Plus there are nine more bizarre creatures. The Weird Dinosaurs have been magnificently illustrated by a leading paleontology artist to ensure anatomical accuracy. Fact-filled captions provide essential data and a description of the unique distinguishing characteristics.

Taylor Made Fossils

For ordering information please contact:

Taylor Made Fossils
1546R Irving Avenue
Saint Louis, Missouri 63133 USA
(314) 556-0650
We are open 24 hours. Call anytime day or night


If you have questions or would like to be added to our mailing list, please Email us.

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Apatosaurus ajax Skull Apatosaurus ajax skeleton Apatosaurus excelsus Skull Brachiosaurus Skull Camarasaurus grandis skeleton Camarasaurus lentus skeleton Diplodocus carnegii skeleton Malawisaurus dixeyi skeleton Moabosaurus Skeleton Plateosaurus engelhardti skeleton Supersaurus skeleton

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