Neanderthal Man - A True Human after all

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This page will give evidence that Neanderthal man was not an ape-man, but a true human.

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Neanderthal is perhaps one of the best known examples of mans alleged "ape-man" ancestors.

Neanderthals are recognized by their prominent brow structure. They have large eye orbits and a chinless appearance. They are often portrayed as stooped, brutish, dimwitted and ape-like.

However you will see this is not what Neanderthal man really looked like. In this page you will see how the fossils have been altered in an attempt to support the theory of evolution.

Background information.

Species: Homo neanderthalensis Age: Uppermost Pleistocene Date of Discovery: August 3, 1908 Location: La Chappelle-aux-Saints, France Discovered by: A. and J. Bouyssonie and L. Bardon

Species: Homo neanderthalensis Age: Upper Pleistocene Date of Discovery: September 17, 1909 Location: La Ferrassie, France Discovered by: R. Capitan and D. Peyrony

The name "Neanderthal" comes from the valley of the same name near the Neander River in Germany.

The ending "thal" in "Neanderthal" means: valley. The "h" is actually silent in its pronunciation.

But you can pronounce it "Neandertal", or Neanderthal, both ways are correct.

Speech in Neanderthals

Neanderthals were not sub-human creatures, but true humans (descendants of Adam and Eve) made in the image of God.

The long ages lived by the biblical patriarchs caused substantial bony age related changes in the heads and faces of these people. Neanderthals were truly human (not ape men) and they lived to great ages (hundreds of years) as is seen from their dental attrition and medial migration of their teeth.


Some have attempted to "explain away" the unique Neanderthal morphology as being the result of disease. The most comonly repeated claim is that Neanderthals were just ordinary people who suffered from Rickets, thouch arthritis and syphilis have also been suggested. None of these adequately describe Neanderthal anatomy.

The claim that rickets is to blame seems to have originated in the 1800's with Rudolf Virchow a famous pathologist of that time.

In their book "The Neanderthals: Changing the Images of Mankind." (Alfred A. Knophf, New York. Trinkaus, E., and P. Shipman 1992) Trinkaus and Shipman point out that Virchow should have known better. One can only guess at his reasoning for having done this. Any chance he understood the effects of longevity?

Here is the rickets claim repeated by Ivanhoe:
"Neanderthal man may have looked like he did not because he was closely related to the great apes, but because he had rickets, an article in the British publication Nature suggests." Ivanhoe, Francis, "Neanderthals had Rickets," Science Digest, vol. 69 (February 1971), pp.

p. 35 "The diet of Neanderthal man was definitely lacking in Vitamin D during the 35,000 years he spent on earth."

Contrary to what this author says above, Neanderthals did NOT have ricketts. More info on this below.

Misleading other Christians

Some Christians like Jack Chick try to "explain away" Neanderthal man with comments like those below:

"At the International Congress of Zoology (1958) Dr. A.J.E. Cave said his examination showed that this famous skeleton found in France over 50 years ago is that of an old man who sufferd from arthitis."
From the booklet "Big Daddy" by Jack Chick, 1992

While I appreciate Mr. Chick's attempt to explain Neanderthal man from a Creationist view point, I think he missed the mark on this one.

Were there arthritic changes in the skeleton of La Chapelle?

Speaking of "La Chapelle-aux-Saints" Donald Johanson one of the worlds most famous evolutionists admits that:

"The curvature in the limb bones, and other deformities, led scientists to believe that Neanderthal walked with a stooped, bent-kneed gait. Decades later, it was shown that these were in fact the remains of an old individual crippled with arthritis." ("Lucy’s child" by Donald Johanson 1989, pg. 47)

Please realize that Dr. Johanson is only refering to the La Chappelle neanderthal, not all Neanderthals.

Creationist Dr. Jack Cuozzo (author of the book "Buried Alive - the startling truth about Neanderthal man") has examined the La Chapelle remains. He found some arthritic changes, but the other odd features of the skull can not be explained by arthritis. Dr. Cuozzo believes the other features are due to man having a life span of 100's of years (just as the Bible describes). I will elaborate more on this idea on the next page

Altamura Neanderthal remains

Many remains of Neanderthal man have been found in caves. Some Neanderthals like the one found in Altamura Italy have even been found encased in stalactites ("From Lucy to Language" pg. 24).

Those who believe in Evolution claim that Neanderthal man lived between 30,000 and 250,000 years ago. This page will also show you that this is not true.

The Fossils.

Here is a list of some of the other Neanderthal fossils that have been found. I have included the dates that Evolutionists give them. However keep in mind that I do not accept these dates, and in the next few paragraphs you will see why.

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Krapina Neanderthal remains
"Krapina C" - remains of an adult female (partial cranium), found in Krapina cave, Croatia by Karl Gorjanovic. Year found: Aug 23, 1899. Fossils believed to be 130,000 years old. 850 fragments found belonging to as many as 80 individuals. ("From Lucy to language" by Donald Johanson)

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Saccopastore 1 Neanderthal remains
"Saccopastore 1" - an adult female cranium found in Saccopastore quarry, Rome, Italy by Mario Grazioli on May 13, 1929. ("From Lucy to language" by Donald Johanson)

"Amud 1" Neanderthal remains
"Amud 1" - An adult male skeleton and cranium. Claimed to be 40,000 to 50,000 years old. "Amud 1" was discovered on June 28, 1961 in Amud cave, Israel by Hisashi Suzuki ("From Lucy to language" by Donald Johanson)
Above image is by Dr. Jack Cuozzo
Used with permission
The entire nasomaxillary complex has been reconstructed ("Buried Alive" by Dr. Jack Cuozzo pg. 177).

The brain size of "Amud 1" is 1,740 cubic centimeters. This is the largest Neanderthal brain known ("From Lucy to language" by Donald Johanson pg. 220). Amud 1 is also the tallest Neanderthal ever found, standing at 1.8 meters. ("From Lucy to language" by Donald Johanson)

We are classified as Homo sapiens. Neanderthal man was originally believed to be a separate species than today’s humans ("Homo neanderthalensis" -"Homo" is the genus name, "sapiens" is the species name).

However today the Neanderthals are now classified as Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, which place them in the Homo sapiens family just like you and I.

Unwilling to admit Neanderthals were just like you and I, evolutionists overemphasis the differences between us and the Neanderthals, and they put them in a different species than us (there is no real reason to do this). Some people say that Neanderthals are a different species than us because of the slight difference in their DNA. However if you read this article you will see that this is not the case.

You will see on the next page the reason Neanderthals look the way they do.

Evolutionists can not agree on who Neanderthal man was, what he evolved from, or what he evolved into.

Many evolutionists still believe that Neanderthal man evolved into us (Homo sapiens). Others believe Neanderthal man is an evolutionary cousin. But as you will see Neanderthal man was fully human (a Homo sapien) he didn’t evolve from anything, he didn’t evolve into anything. He didn’t evolve at all, and is not a missing link..

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Neanderthal remains from "La Chapelle-aux-Saints".
The first bones of Neanderthal man were found in 1856 (there were actually others found before this, but they were not yet classified as being Neanderthal remains - ("From Lucy to language" by Donald Johanson, pg. 228). The bones seen here are from the Neanderthal remains found in La Chapelle, France.

"La Chapelle-aux-Saints". Nicknamed the "Old Man", this specimen was discovered in 1908 near La-Chapelle-aux-Saints France by Amedee and Jean Bouyssonie.

Neanderthal man a misleading reconstruction

It is these bones that gave society the wrong impression of Neanderthal man.

Reconstruction’s of Neanderthal man often portrayed him as a hairy beast like man. Stooped over and dragging his arms. The physical attributes of Neanderthal man were greatly exaggerated to show that he was "ape-like" and "primitive" as in this picture drawn by Frantisek Kupka for the Illustrated London News in 1909. This drawing was based upon the Neanderthal skeleton found in France labeled "La Chapelle-aux-Saints".

Compare the old reconstruction (above) with how Neanderthal man is pictured now. There is a Huge difference.

Brain size

La Chappelle Skull

The La-Chapelle skull had a 1620 cc brain capacity

This is within the range of humans living today.

One interesting fact about Neadnerthals is that on average, they have a larger cranial capacity than we do today.

If a larger brain truly meant a higher level of intelligence, then Neanderthals would have been smarter than we are today. The implications of Neanderthals being more intelligent does not sit well with some evolutionists:

"Neandertals should be the brightest of all, a proposition I find equally loathesome."
(pg 323 "The Poor Brain of Homo sapiens neanderthalensis: See What You Please..." by Ralph L. Holloway, Ancestors: The Hard Evidence, edited by Eric Delson, Alan R. Liss, Inc. New York)

And while it has been insinuated by depictions in movies and books that Neanderthals were of lesser intelligence, this is simply not based on observable facts. In fact Holloway, mentioned above, admits that "primitive" endocranial features ... are simply nonexistent."
(pg 323 "The Poor Brain of Homo sapiens neanderthalensis: See What You Please..." by Ralph L. Holloway, Ancestors: The Hard Evidence, edited by Eric Delson, Alan R. Liss, Inc. New York)

It is based soley on the presupposition that someone earlier in time would be less intelligent. But from a creation/degeneration world view there would be a loss of intelligence both genetically, and as the result of losing accumulated knowledge of the elders - many of whom lived hundreds of years.

So... was the Neanderthal man our primitive ancestor?

No. In fact the Neanderthal man was not an ape-man at all.


It is the reconstruction of the La Chapelle remains that gave society the wrong impression about Neanderthal man.

To make matters wore, Dr. Cuozzo discovered that the skull of La Chapelle-aux-Saints has been reconstructed in a way that makes it look less human and more ape-like.

"Neanderthal man" is completely human. Man has not evolved.

From bones alone, we cannot tell how intelligent someone was, how much hair they had on their body, or what their speech consisted of. Those in charge of the reconstruction’s are told to make them look dimwitted and ape like. If the bones were allowed to speak for themselves, then everyone would know that Neanderthal man was fully human.


In his book "Buried Alive", Dr. Jack Cuozzo explains that much of the facial characteristics we apply to Neanderthal man are not due to evolution, but to excessive old age. Dr. Cuozzo explains that though we eventually stop growing taller, our facial bones never stop growing This says Cuozzo is the secret to understanding the odd Neanderthal facial features.

Dr. Cuozzo says that we don’t see this much today because people do not live as long as they once did. The Bible tells of many people living in excess of 100 years. It is the bones of the extremely old, says Cuozzo that we have mistakenly called Neanderthals.

I will add diagrams from Dr. Cuozzo’s book to show that the brow structure on many of the Neanderthal remains was caused by normal bone growth from longer life spans.

Read this page to see how many of the Neanderthal fossils have been deliberately changed to make them look non-human

Here is a picture from a book on evolution showing how they now reconstruct Neanderthal man.

Notice, they do not look much different than some people living today.

Dating the fossils

Evolutionists claim that Neanderthal man lived 250,000 years ago. But when radio carbon dating was used to give an age to the rock containing the "Neanderthal Amud I" skull the results did not fit the theory of evolution.

Carbon dating Neanderthal remains.

Using the carbon dating method, a date of only 5,710 years was given ("Bones of Contention" by Dr. Marvin Lubenow). This is far from the 250,000 year given by Evolutionists. And the specimen is actually younger than 5,710 years. This is due to the lower amount of carbon 14 in the atmosphere at the time of the flood.

The 5,700-year time fits better with the Biblical account of Creation, and the flood that followed (4,400 years ago).

Bones not fossilized

One other interesting thing Dr. Cuozzo discovered about Neanderthals, is that their remains are not yet completely fossilized. If they are in excess of 30,000 years old they should be fossilized.

Everything about Neanderthal man tells us that he was far more intelligent than he was first given credit for. Not only did they use complex tools, but several paintings have been found which show they could paint extemely well. In fact in the Bernifal cave the Neanderthals actually carved a picture of a dinosaur! Click HERE for pictures and more information

Evolutionists wish very much that there was an evolutionary progression from Neanderthal to Homo sapiens (us). But the truth is, there is not. In fact modern Homo sapiens have been found in layers below those of the Neanderthal fossils. Evolutionists now say this is because Neanderthal man and Homo sapiens lived at the same time. I would agree with this. But I would add that the reason they both lived at the same time is that they are both humans. Neanderthal man is 100 % fully human just like we are today.

Wisdom teeth

"Why would a Master Creator give us more teeth than will fit in our jaws?" Wisdom teeth actually served a purpose in Neanderthals. As they aged the teeth in the jaw moved forward making room for wisdom teeth. Because we no longer live for hundreds of years our rate of maturation has sped up, and our wisdom teeth now erupt before the jaw has made room for them.

See Dr. Cuozzo's article in Creation magazine.

"Human evolution is a big deal these days. Leakey’s world known, Johanson is like a movie star, women swoon over him and ask for his autograph. Lecture circuit. National Science Foundation : big bucks. Everything is debatable, especially where money is involved. Sometimes people deliberately manipulate data to suit what they’re saying."
(Professor Alan Mann, palaeoanthropologist, University of Pennsylvania,in Michael H. Brown, The Search for Eve, Harper & Row, New York, 1990, p. 241)

Man has not Evolved.
We were made in the image of God.

It is my hope that the body of a Neanderthal will be found frozen. This is well within the realm of possibility. This would give us a better understanding of their stature, attire (jewelry etc) hairstyle (not scruffy looking as commonly pictured) and more.

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as of 2/03