There is no such thing as a "Vestigial" (useless) Organ. Creation vs. evolution

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This page will describe the uses of (reasons for) tonsils, appendix, wisdom teeth, goose bumps and many others.

Evolutionists claim that humans, and animals have organs that are left over from our evolutionary ancestors. They call these "useless" leftovers "vestigial organs".

"Vestige" is defined as a "trace, or sign" - so a "vestigial" organ would be a trace of a once useful organ.

All organs have (or had) a function

But as this page will show, there are no such thing as vestigial organs, at least not in an evolutionary sense. Every organ once called "vestigial" has been shown to serve a very important function. And these are not "evolutionary leftovers" but necessary parts designed for a specific purpose by our Creator.

There may be some parts of our bodies that were more complex in the beginning, and we no longer use, or barely use them now. But there are no organs left over from an evolutionary ancestor (fish, apes etc).

Doctors used to remove these organs

In the early 1900's nearly 180 organs in the human body were thought to be useless. These include tonsils, the appendix, body hair etc.

Doctors and Scientists never took the time to learn about these organs because evolutionists had told them they were useless. This part of the Evolutionary theory was detrimental to the health of many people, and held up the progression of modern medicine for many years.

Doctors would often remove these organs not knowing that they served a vital role in everyday bodily functions.

Just because they did not understand their purpose does not mean that a purpose did not exist.
- Would you let a mechanic remove wires under the hood of your car just because he did not know what they were for, or because he thought they were useless?

Sure you can have your tonsils and appendix removed, and still be in relatively good health. But this does not mean they served no purpose. In many instances other organs have to work harder to compensate for the loss.

If the mechanic snips a few wires, the car may still run but the radio may not. Was the radio cable useless? No.

A car will run without a radio, and a man can live without sight. But how much better would both be if all the parts worked together as a whole for the good of the body?

There is a scripture that deals with this subject, of all people working together as the body of Christ. They may not all do the same job, but they have an important job to do.

"The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by [3] one Spirit into one body--whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free--and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." 1 Corinthians 12:12-27(NIV)

Though these verses speak of the "body" of believers, it applies in many ways to the real physical body that God created for man.

With God as Creator it makes perfect sense for every organ to have a purpose, and they do.

Many organs were found to have an important role in the human body way back in the 1920's. Yet even in 1999 many Science books still label many organs as vestigial.

In their book "Vestigial Organs are fully functional" (ISBN 0-940384-09-4) Jerry Bergman Ph.D. and George Howe Ph.D. attempt to show the real purpose of many organs once thought to be useless.

Note: This IS NOT Dr. Bergman's website. I only quote him here. I am not completely satisfied with some of the answers in Bergman's book, such as the authors explanation of wisdom teeth for example. But it may be ok in other areas. We need to do original research in this area from a creation/degeneration viewpoint. If any of my readers are encouraged to do this please contact me and let me know.

Did snakes have legs?

This information can be found on my commentary to Genesis chapter 3 (see main subject index).

What are tonsils for?

Tonsils once thought to be useless actually help prevent disease. Those who have had their tonsils removed are actually 4 times more likely to develop Hodgkin’s disease.

The Appendix

The purpose of the human appendix is discussed in my notes on Genesis 9:3 Click here to read this page in a new browser window Click here to read in this window

Why do we have wisdom teeth?

Answer coming soon

Did Whales have legs?

Question:"Why do whales have leg bones, but no legs?"
from Tomaso (06/30/01)

Some people ask: Do whales have vestigial legs? Doesn't that prove they once walked on land? No. Whales never had legs. The structures that were once claimed to be vestigial legs, are now known to actually be necessary for reproduction. They anchor these muscles. This structure is only found in the male, and anchor the muscles attached to the penis. (pg 71, "Vestigial organs are fully functional")

Body hair and Goose bumps

Why do we have body hair or get goose bumps?

Question from a reader:
"If human beings didn't evolve from other mammals, then why do we get goosebumps?

The whole point of goose bumps is for animals that have thick fur coats. The goose bumps, which are in response to cold weather or fear, raise the ends of the hair, which, in response to cold, form a thicker barrier between cold air and skin which kind of like trading a thin blanket for a thicker one (it makes you even warmer).

Also, in response to fear, it makes you look slightly larger. Obviously humans don't have thick coats of fur, so this kind of reaction in us is pretty much pointless. That is, unless we evolved from animals WITH hair."
Sincerely, Steven 1/8/02

Hair is actually useful for things other than warmth. Hair intensifies the sense of touch, when they are moved or bent.("Vestigial Organs are fully functional" pg 65) refer to a work by Harris in which it was found that "...the cluster of nerve fibers at the base of each human hair enables it to serve as a nerve amplifier or nerve extender. When the hair is moved, it physically transmits that information to the nerve."

Goose bumps are caused by muscle contractions. These force oil into the follicle and onto the skin. This traps air around the surface of the skin and provides added insulation.

Neither hair nor goose bumps have to be explained in evolutionary terms. Everything has the capacity to feel cold whether man or animal. Having hair in common with the animals is thus no more significant than the fact that we both have eyes, or mouths.

Are babies sometimes born with tails?

Are babies ever born with tails?

I asked Dr. Cuozzo (author of the book "Buried Alive") about this, and he said:
"Attached is an abstract of a 1988 article on human tails. I do not believe they are vestigial as is claimed in the abstract, by custom in our evolutionary environment, but generally can be considered an abnormality of the spine, since they can be associated, as stated, with malformations in 29 percent of the cases reported. Five percent association with congenital malformations would cast doubt on it's true vestigial status in my opinion, but close to 30% suggests that when it does appear solo, it is also a pathologic malformation. This review covers 1884 to 1988 or 104 years and there are only 24 reported cases in that length of time, so you had to be one of these, I assume.

Note carefully this reviewer says that bone was lacking. It would seem to me that bone would be in every one of these "tails" if it were truly vestigial (from the ape-heritage point of view). Remember also, that the coccyx has some very important anal muscle attachments without which we would be in severe trouble." 17 Dec 2001

One thing to remember is that monkeys have tails. Apes do not. It would be far fetched to say that an Australopithecine still had remnants of a tail, let alone habilis, erectus, or any of the other alleged ape we allegedly evolved from (I do not believe that we did). But for a human to still carry this so called "vestige" is even more unlikely.

For more info on the tail bone click Here

Gill slits

For more info on the alleged gill slits in human babies click Here

Some questions readers have asked, and my answers

1. What organ do you think is the least important to have in a human body?
From Becca 4/28/02

Answer: I think they are all important. God made them all for a reason. Just because we have not discovered the use for all of our organs, does not mean that there is no use for them.

2. Why are you interested in vestigial organs?

Answer: My interest comes from the fact that doctors used to remove organs they thought were useless. In some cases the person became more ill.

3. What vestigial organ do you think is the most important to have?

Answer: I don't think any organ is vestigial.

4. Do you believe that vestigial organs really are "useless" as some scientists say they are?

Answer: No. Like I said they all have functions. Read the book "Vestigial organs are fully functional."

5. How many vestigial organs do you believe are in the human body?

Answer: Some people used to say there were 180. I believe there are zero!

6. Some scientists say that the appendix is a vestigial organ, while others say that you can't live without it. What is your view point on this subject?

Answer: I think we can live without it. But that does not mean we would be better off without it. You can live with 1 leg, but isn't it better to have 2?

When completed, this page will discuss the alleged vestigial "legs" on whales.. and also the purpose of human tonsils, wisdom teeth.. etc.. Please check back...this page will be completed soon.

If you have any questions on Creation, Evolution, or just want to say "Hi" please feel free to email me.

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as of 2/03