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Pokémon Training Tour

The Pokémon League Summer Training Tour (now called the Nintendo Training Tour) is a tour run by Nintendo for Pokémon. It travels around to different malls across the U.S. While there you can:

To enter in the tournament pick up a card from the "Pokémon Central" area in the mall. There are three levels to compete in:

You battle two people, if you win one battle you get a Boulder Badge (a little cardboard pog thing). Two and you get a Cascade Badge. You get a "Competition Badge" just for participating. If you win both battles, you might get a chance to face a "Gym Trainer." They are actually game testers from Nintendo. You play on a TV screen through the use of an N64 Super Game Boy type thing. If you win, you get a Pokémon hat.

I know that if you go, you would want to win, so go check out my winning team.

To find out more about the tour, go to the Pokemon website.

Unfortunately, the tour is now over... Do not loose hope, however, because it is entirely possible that Nintendo may start it back up!!! If you know how to contact Nintendo, PLEASE e-mail me and tell me how!!! Then, if you want them to start the tour back up contact them and tell them how you feel. If enough people do just maybe they will start it back up!!!


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