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The song you hear playing in background is ummm a dig at AOL
For when I was trying to load this page they kept bumping me off line
Sorry but i had to do it ...GRIN....

Below is a link for you to go get the tube you need
for the sparkles for your snowglobe
Click on the dove pic to go there

download sparkles here

Open PSP close out all the little boxes that pop up in it now go to
"File" then "New"
a box will pop up change "width' to 400
change "height" to 400
Make sure back ground color is set to transparent click "ok"

On far left scroll down to "selection" click it
next go to top of screen you will see the word "Masks"
under it there is a wrench looking tab click the one beside it
a box should pop up that says "controls"
under "selection type" select "circle"
then go over to image you made left click in image
a little above half way in the middle left click hold down
and drag upwards creating a circle
( dont make to big you have to leave room at bottom to make your base)
now un click... tada a

you now have little ants marching in circle now go to far left scroll down to "paint fill" (its right above letter"A")
click it
now go to far right near top you should see a eyedropper
(your mouse is eyedropper) move it over colors till you find a light color left click now now go back to circle in middle of it
left click it will fill circle with color you picked up

now go to far left click tab that says "magic wand"
go to middle of circle, there will be 4 arrows
left click hold down drag circle as close to top as you can
let go of click now go back over to far left click "selection" tab
again go to where circle is click once under circle it will stop ants from moving
now go to contol box you made pop up earlier select "rectangle"
under circle make a rectangle in the size you want your base
(make sure to hold down the click) now let go of click there should be ants marching now

now go to far left select "flood fill" again (above "A")
now go to far left again select the tab the one that
only has one paint brush then go to far right near top pick up color you want
your base to be ( I chose a red brown color) now go to control box
scroll down to "wood grain" ( you can change this once you start practicing on your own )
now go to your rectangle you made left click and hold on rectangle
and fill it in to density you like

now click on your "magic wand" again put it over rectangle
and drag it up to circle and place it were you wish ( make it look like circle is sitting inside base)
Now go to top of PSP click on the word "Image"
scroll down to "Effects"
click "buttonize" change settings as to your likings... mine are set at (15, 15 and 100)
now go back to far left and click on "selection" again
go to some where in pic and click on transparent area it will stop ants from moving
now go down to the letter "A" on far left click it
go to middle of base left click and a screen pops up
select what font you want and put size about 24 for now
make sure none of boxes on left side of the pop up screen are checked except for "center"
now at bottom of pop up screen there is place to type type in your name for this first time
then click ok
now go to far left on PSP click tab that says "airbrush"

your mouse will turn in to eye dropper again when passed over your almost done globe
now go to far right near top left click on color you want your letters
I picked a medium blue color. Now go over to globe where your name is hold down left click
and fill in letters with color you chose ( your ants will stay marching )
now go to top left of PSP click "file"
then "open"
and find a pic you would like to put in the globe double click the pic to open it in PSP
now click "X" in control pop up screen ( to give you more room to work)
go to far left of PSP click on "magic wand"
click in middle of globe you made ( ants with march)
now go far left on PSP and click on double brushes( it is called "clone brush")

now go to pic you brought up find starting point in the pic
hold down shift key and click on pic at starting point ( if message comes up not compatable or something find another pic)
now go to globe find starting point in globe left click and hold down start painting

.....if you dont like where you started go to top of screen click "edit"
then "undo clone" start over on click on "double brushes".....

now click out of original pic you brought up to copy
now click on "magic wand" again and go to middle of globe you just painted
click in middle and make ants march again
now hold down shift key and hit the letter "D" 3 times ( you will have 4 copies now total)
now go to "file"
then "open"
find the tubes you downloaded for sparkels (you will find the link to get these at top of page)

now open the sparkle you want ( double click)
then go to "file"
then "export"
then "tube"
type in a name for your tube
now go to far left click on brush that had ink well with it .
It is called "picture tube"
now go back to top of screen clcik on toggle "control palette"
scroll down to your tube you just made now change size to about 40 %
now click in first globe you see with ants marching
and make about five or so sparkles in different areas
now go to "file
then "save as"
and put it in a folder you can find easy

now go to pic you just put sparkles in get rid of it by clicking the "x"
now do the same to the othere three starting with putting sparkles in them
Now go to "file"
scroll down to "animation shop" click it
now go to "file"
then "animation wizard"
Make sure the first dot is clicked
click "next"
click "transparent"

clcik "next"
make sure the two dots " upper left corner of frame" and "with the canvas color" are clicked
then click next
click "yes repeat animation indefinitely"
make sure length is set to about 15
click "next"
then click "add image" ( this is where you find where you put your globes you made)
do that for all 4 globes you made
click next
click finish
now go to top of screen ...see the wrench again?...

go 3 past that click it your animation should play then
now go to "file"
then "save as"
and put it in a folder you can find it in
a screen will pop up make sure lever on left is all way up
then click "next"
click "next" again
then click "finish"

now click out of animation shop and PSP you have just made your first "snowglobe" congradulations!!!!!!