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Sherri's Creations ©

How would you like your own webpage?

Or Your own Banner,Award,Snowglobe,or Background Set!!

If this sounds like what your looking for...

you have come to the right place.

View Some Of My Background Sets
If you would like your own personal
set please Email me :-)

~~>View Here

If you are interested Mail Me!

Please take the time to sign my book..


If your would like to view

some of my work..

These are the webpages I am working on..

Wild Child
Perfect Crime
Underwater Dreams
Joe's Red Wing Page
My Pages
Sherri's Lil Piece of Heaven
Jade's Cozy Haven
Jade's Globes
Jade's Applets

Webrings I have Made

Jaromir Jagr Webring
White Rose Webring
Sacred Wolf Webring
CrissCat's Kisstory Webring
Kiss Army 2000 Webring
Elvis Remembered Webring
Verbal Abuse Hurts Too Webring

New Want Your Picture Online?
Mail Me For More Info!

There are a number of Free Web
Hosting Sites you can choose from!
The following is a list of Free Host
providers that will host your personal
site in order of my personal preference:


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If you want to place an order,
please use the email address below.

Copyright ©~Sherri~™ 1999-2000
All Rights Reserved