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Sweet Things In Life

Sweet dreams tonight, my precious child,
sweet dreams your whole life through,
for you deserve the very best
as God can give to you.

Sweet times in life, my little one,
sweet times your whole life through,
for you deserve the best in life
as God can guide you through.

As I stand here looking over you,
it amazes me so much
to see you as a miracle,
for I'd never thought of such.

You are amazing, you are a wonder,
you've filled my life with awe.
I'm filled with wonderful
amazement at it all.

Watching you sleep is such a pleasure,
I could watch you my whole life through,
and tonight I'll pray
and thank the Lord for you.

Sweet dreams for now, my lovely son,
for now dreams will suffice,
but as you grow I'll do my best
to give you sweet things in life.

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