I got here in January 1938.  Mom was born in 1901 and raised in Rhode Island and dad was born in 1899 and raised in Massachusetts.  His dad was a farmer….metal worker for a short time, but his wife didn't think raising the 11 children in the city life was good, so they went back to the farm.  My mom's parents died before she was thirteen years old.  She and her sister, Ruth, had an uncle who was their guardian.  I never knew any of my grandparents.  My mom went to Pembroke and dad to Brown University where they met each other and were married on June 15, 1922 after dad convinced mom, who didn't like red hair, that she would have to have 14 children before she would have a red-headed child after mom's seeing all dad's siblings who had red hair. My sister, Amy, was born 9 months and 2 days later with red hair on St. Patrick's Day. Four years later my brother Herb was born with red hair.  Five years after that in 1932,  my brother John was born with red hair.  And then in 1938, their only blond came along….me. Dad was Baptist church pastor in Lynn, Mass and we lived in the parsonage.  Although I don't actually remember it, I was told that I caused a little rumpus when we lived there.  My mom would iron all my dresses and hang them on hangers in my closet. She also