Emotion - a complex and usually strong subjective response, as love or fear. Such a response involving psychological changes as a preparation for action. A state of agitation or disturbance; part of the consciousness that involves feeling or sensibility. (Definition taken from the American Heritage Dictionary)
Welcome to the second edition of Emotions. Since starting this newsletter/journey, I have received a number of positive comments from various people and I wish to thank all of you who responded.
Upon surfing the internet I have come in contact with so many wonderful people who are just trying to make a difference, people who have something to share, a poem, helpful hints, products to sell.
One person who sends me inspirations every Friday...without fail I receive in my e-mail "Walt's Friday's Inspiration." This man is a poet in the true sense of the word and very inspirational. If you are just surfing the web, be sure and get your name on his mailing list, you will not be sorry. His address is located under my links page.
Beverly Jenkins...my favorite author has a new romance novel for all of us who enjoy reading a good romance. Her new book is entitled "Through the Storm." Ms. Jenkins is an excellent writer her previous books include, Nightsong, Vivid, Indigo and Topaz are all excellent adult reading. She intertwines romance and African-American history like no one else and I strongly recommend any of her books. They can be ordered through my direct link with Amazon.com (located on my links page) at a discounted price be sure and check it out.
Soon school will be starting and those of us who have school age children know that it is a bittersweet welcome. While you want your children to get an education and make something out of their lives, it is a struggle. You want to give them a reasonable amount of freedom, you want them to feel good about themselves, but sorry to say many of our children just don't care. The only things they seem to want do is listen to rap music, or watch something on television that they shouldn't be watching or talk to some of their school friends who seem to have no "home training" at all. It is important that we take time with our children. Listen to them, spend time with them and say "no" without changing your mind a few hours later.
Times have changed so drastically. All you can do is tell them what is right and what is wrong, you can't be with them 24 hours a day, somewhere in the back of their minds, they will remember what you have told them and they can make their own choices, good or bad, they will learn from their own mistakes. My mother used to tell me, you may not agree with what I am saying now but when you get older you will understand what I am saying and why I said it. We have to be an example for our children to follow. Every day is not going to be a good one, they will not succeed in everything they attempt to do and if they fall don't criticize, help them get up and back on the right track, tell them to hold their heads high, let no one stop them, and no one turn them around.
Be true to yourself, truth is something that cannot be changed it either is or it isn't. No one knows you like you, trust your instinct in all you attempt to do. I try to always follow my first thought about a given situation, nine times out of ten, you will be right. I found out when I didn't follow my first instincts, something went wrong. I believe that life is predestined. It is like an open book every hour, every minute is logged and accounted for, nothing is hidden and you cannot stop what is going to happen. All you can do is accept it and remember that each day is a gift from God. Thank Him for it.
Your comments are welcome. Thank you for visiting Emotions.
This is my favorite time of the year...Fall. Not too hot, not too cold. The beautiful colors on the trees and it just makes me thankful for being able to see the colors and get up in the morning.
While age and children have taken away most of the patience I used to have, I am working on trying to be more patient and understanding about many things. In today's society of pagers, cell phones, computers, fax machines and everything is almost instantaneous.
On thing that can't be rushed is time. Your time is one of the most precious things that you own, no one can take it from you, you do what you want with it and what I love to do with mine is...spend it alone. Just me and my inner thoughts, hopes, wishes, dreams, but no matter how much time I spend alone with these inner thoughts nothing will come to pass until the good Lord is ready for me to have it. That is where patience comes into the picture.
Webster's definition of patience is:
"to calmly endure something without complaining."
Every morning I watch Joyce Meyer Ministries. She is a wonderful speaker and teacher. I have gone to work a lot of mornings with a smile on my face because of something Joyce has said that really made me think. One of her most memorable quotes is, "You have to go through something to get to something." She is absolutely right.
Nothing comes easy, no one is going to just give you something.
If you have a problem,
you can't go under it,
Can't go around it
Can't go over it, because it is still there.
Go through it. Straight through it...slowly looking at the different things that got you into that situation and learn from them so you won' t have to go through it again, then as you slowly reach the other side, that dim light will start to shine, you will be a better person, a stronger person. Experience is truly the best teacher and something you have to do on your own, you can share it, but you can't give it. Thank you for reading "Emotions." Your comments are welcome.
Greetings, this is the third edition of Emotions and I am happy at the positive responses I have had and thank everyone who has responded with comments and words of encouragement.
Nothing is promised to us, not today or tomorrow. We have to live each day to the fullest and try not to let our “emotions” control us. Some days I can handle it some days I find myself down in a valley and struggling to get out and not let my “emotions” control me. That is easier said than done. That is where the word “willing” comes into play. Your mind has to be willing to make the change, without the will it won’t happen. There is a saying that I repeat to myself often, because I know it to be true and that is the good Lord knows our wants, needs, and desires and he is the only one who can fix it. No matter how much you want something, or how you wish for something, if it is not for you it won’t happen. You will have to wait, patiently wait for your time to come.
I pled and I wept for a clue to my fate - and the Master gently said “Child, you must wait.”
“Wait? You said, wait!” my indignant reply - “Lord, I need answers, I need to know why!”
Is your hand shortened? Or have you not heard? - By Faith I have asked and am claiming your Word.
My future and all to which I can relate hangs in the balance, and YOU tell me to WAIT?
I’m needing a “yes” a go-ahead sign or even a “no” to which I can resign
And Lord, You promised that if we believe we need but to ask, and we shall receive
Lord, I’ve been asking and this is my cry - I’m weary of asking, I need a reply!
Then quietly, softly, I learned of my fate - As my Master replies once again,
“You must wait.”
So, I slumped in my chair, defeated and taut - and grumbled to God, “So I am waiting..for what?”
He seemed, then, to kneel, and His eyes wept with mine, and He tenderly said,
“I could give you a sign. I could shake the heavens, and darken the sun - I could raise the dead, and cause mountains to run
All you seek I could give and pleased you would be - You would have what you want - but you wouldn’t know Me.
“You’d not know the depth of My love for each saint - You’d not know the power that I give to the faint
You’d not learn to see through the clouds of despair - You’d not learn to trust just by knowing I’m there
You’d not know the joy of resting in Me - When darkness and silence were all you could see
You’d never experience that fullness of love as the peace of My Spirit descends like a dove
You’d know that I live and I save..(for a start), But you’d not know the depth of the beat of My heart
The glow of My comfort late into the night - The faith that I give when you walk without sight
The depth that’s beyond getting just what you asked of an infinite God, who makes what you have LAST
You’d never know, should your pain quickly flee, what it means that “My grace is sufficient for Thee
Yes, your dreams for your loved one overnight would come true - But Oh, the loss! If I lost what I’m doing in you
So, be silent, my child, and in time you will see that the greatest gifts is to get to know Me
An though often My answers seem terribly late - My most precious answer of all is still, WAIT.
-Author Unknown
Thank-you for reading Emotions.
Greetings and Happy New Year!!
The start of a new year brings many changes in people with hopes of starting new projects, making new resolutions, making behavioral changes, lifestyles changes or changes in attitudes.
Changes can be made at anytime, all you need is to want to do it. Make up your mind that you are going to do it and put the changes into action.
We all have things in our lives that need to be changed or fine-tuned. There is only one perfect One and He accepts us the way we are. I remember an old song when I was growing up, it was called "The Whole World is a Stage" and everyone plays a part. The stage is set, the curtain is already up, all you have to do is your part and don't worry about anyone else.
It took me a while to just be "me" and not to worry about what other people thought, said or did. Why should I try and please them? Why should I care what they think about me? Why should I care what they say about me? The answer is simple, you don't. You should be the only person you are trying to impress, and to make happy no one can do that for you. I have confidence in myself the way I am. I will of course start to watch my weight again this year. I always start the new year with that in mind but it never ends that way. That's alright, this is me.
I have other aspirations and many things I would love to do and I will start them...whether or not I finish them is another story, but I cannot blame no one but myself if my projects are not completed. I go to work everyday, not because I want to, but because I have to work. If I could make a decent living doing my dream job which would be to own and operate a African-American book store. I would be doing that, but that is not my calling at this point in my life and I accept that. Doing this newsletter is an "outlet" for me, whereas I am sharing, I still could also be making an impact on someone else's life.
What goes on in the inside shows up on the outside. My father used to tell me this phrase all the time "you're going to live til you die." For the longest I said that doesn't make sense, of course you are going to live until you die, you can't do anything else. But there is a deeper meaning into that. Don't rush your life, enjoy every single moment, it is so short. Each day has meaning, each day has a plan.
Let His words guide your steps and your changes will be changes for the better.
Thank you for reading Emotions. Your comments are welcome. Don't forget to sign my guest book.
Welcome to Emotions
"With faith, there are no questions, without faith, there are no answers" - Louis Nizer
During the week I do my readings, The Daily Word, my Bible readings and every morning I watch Joyce Meyers. She had a very interesting subject last week... "emotions"...and with that being the title of my website, it really hit home for me. She spoke on emotions controlling you and that made me think. While emotions cover a wide variety of feelings, those particular feelings should not control you.
I read somewhere that the word anger, an emotion, is one letter away from danger, an emotion that you don't want to control your being. Fear, an emotion you don't want to live in. Sadness, an emotion that will keep you down. Everyone goes through many kinds of emotions every single day whether they are good or bad, you just deal with them.
Nothing comes easy, nothing is free. So many of us take things for granted without realizing how truly blessed they are to be here to experience the gift of life. Every single person has a reason for being here, every person has a purpose.
I look at my life like an open book, each minute, each hour, each day already planned out for me. The book (you) has a title (name), there is a table of contents (your life's plan), and chapters. Each chapter describes the process (life) that you go through, there is a beginning chapter where you are just learning. You go through the pages of life a line at a time, a page at a time, a chapter at a time, there are new characters that come into the chapters, some stay throughout the whole book, others don't stick around to see the end.
Within these pages there is happiness, sadness, disappointments and grief, but the pages keep turning, because on each page there will be something different. You can't skip chapters, because you may miss something important, you can't go to the end of the book because there is so much in between that you need to know and do before the end.
You may think you own the book but you don't, it belongs to the good Lord and He will decide the ending.
Take care of the "book" you have, it can't be turned in or traded. Love it, be good to it and share it with those you love.
This "Emotions" edition is dedicated to my brother:
Reverend Michael Ray Martin
May 23, 1962 - February 23, 1999
I love and miss you Michael
Welcome to Emotions
Time brings about many changes during our life. In my forty-something years, I’ve gone through the normal physical changes, lost weight, gained weight, wore my hair long, short, up and down. I’ve laughed, cried, been up and down. But one thing that hasn’t changed are the “lessons” I have learned along the way, and whether you realize it or not we do learn something new every single day no matter how minuscule it may be.
Take a look back of a minute. Growing up most of our parents talked to us constantly telling you what you should or shouldn’t do. It usually went in one ear and out of the other. Not realizing you are a learning “unwilling student.”
Those “lessons” seem to come back to you when you have children and in turn, just like clockwork, the same things you were so against, you are now telling your own. It is a loving circle without a beginning or an ending and it always comes back around.
With the onset of spring and eventually summer, I look forward to opening the windows and doors and letting in some “fresh” air. We all need to do that sometime with our everyday living. Open up and let go of some of those “old” things that seem to hang on in the back of your mind. Just get rid of them, try something new. It is true what they say, what goes on inside, shows up on the outside. Put good things inside love, faith, hope, patience, and understanding...eventually, it will manifest itself outward.
Good thoughts, a heart full of thankfulness and tenderness of the mind and spirit
I hope you have enjoyed Emotions, your comments are welcome.
Welcome to Emotions
To be truthful it has been very difficult to get my thoughts together regarding “emotions.” Everything seems to be so hectic, no time to do anything anymore. With the onset of summer, the children are home, the grandchild is home and then there are the visitors who come and stay for a couple of weeks and nothing seems to be in order.
I heard a very inspiring speech a couple of weeks ago as I was scanning through the television channels. It was Jesse Jackson, Jr., giving the commencement speech for Chicago State University. When I first turned the station without looking, all I heard was the voice and I said to myself, that is Jesse Jackson (the senior Jackson was the one I was thinking of) needless to say I was surprised to see the younger Jackson sounding just like his father. Jesse, Jr. is an excellent speaker, and a brilliant young man. His speech to the upcoming graduates was taken from the book of Hebrews 11:1 (KJV) “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Those are some powerful words if you just sit and think about them.
You either have it (faith) or you don’t and you have to have it to believe that the things you are hoping for will one day come to pass.
As I read further in Hebrews 12:1-2, (KJV) it said that “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us; Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
In Our Daily Bread magazine, for July 20, 1999, it talks on this same subject. It said “the race of faith is unique because we’re competing against ourselves, not others.” We are all running in the race, there are stop lights, warning signs, bends and turns, in the road, but we have to stay in the race, if we fall, get up and keep on running because there is only one way and that is straight ahead, no looking back because that will slow you down, just run the race at a even pace, not pushing yourself too hard, enjoy some of the scenery as you pass by, if you get tired rest for a while plant a few flowers and keep on going.
I hope you enjoyed my “Emotions” your comments are welcome.
Greeting, welcome to Emotions!
This year seems to be passing so quickly and there is so much talk about the new millennium and Y2K. There is a fear of the unknown, when in actuality, it is just a number. It is a number we have never seen before, but it is just a number. Personally, I am not concerned, I can’t be concerned with something that hasn’t happened, my only concern is here and now.
The year 2000 will be a milestone in my life for in the year 2000, I will turn 50, in the year 2000 I will mark my 25th wedding anniversary so there is a special celebration that is hoped for with the coming of the year 2000, but I am not rushing it, one day at a time is all we can hope for.
There are still many, many things I would like to do, places I would like to go, and in time, if time is allowed of me, I will accomplish those things. But I can truthfully say, I have a lot of wonderful memories and have enjoyed myself tremendously. The good and the bad times, all a part of the “journey.”
My sister, Cenora, who we call “Sissy” is my best friend. We share so many memories. We have a “tradition” that we started a number of years ago. When I visit her or when she comes to visit me we leave each other a “goodie bag”. In this “goodie bag” there isn’t anything really expensive, it could be a bottle of fingernail polish, perfume, a book, a trinket or even copies of some inspirational message that we wanted to share. I must admit, I love receiving my goodie bags and look forward to them. But it isn’t necessarily what is in the bag that means so much, it is the love, the thought and time that is spent gathering the stuff to put into the bag just for me.
We all have our “goodie bags” that we carry around with us daily. It could be as simple as a smile, a hello or a compliment to someone you don’t know. An encouraging word doesn’t cost anything and it may mean the world to someone who looks fine on the outside but could be miserable within. We have to count our blessings everyday, life is truly a gift and the Year 2000 is not promised, it is only hoped for, just like tomorrow. Make sure you thank Him everyday.
I hope you have enjoyed “Emotions”, your comments are welcome.