This is a Work In Progress...Last updated February 15, 2001.
A brief summary of what the roadmap
--This roadmap begins in 1926
Woolley's discovery of the alabaster disk which depicts
Enheduana on the front and identifies her by name on the back.
-- this was the first time the world (at least the scholarly
world) learned about Enheduana! She had lived over 4100 years
ago and now we, in the 20th century, were priveledged to find out
about her.
-- Not much happened for the next
32 years, until 1958,
when Adam Falkenstein published in german the first major
article on Enheduana.
In 1968
Hallo published, "The Exaltation of Inanna", the first
of Ninmessara, as well as a
comprehensive and lengthy discussion of the significance of
--In 1980,the Barnstones published
a re-worked version of the translation of this poem, based on
William Hallo's work, making it more accessible to
the english speaking world outside of
Unviversity walls.
-- Enheduana was finally introduced to lay audiences and since
then, she is discussed in more "mainstream"
books. She is also mentioned at least 140 times on the web
if you do a search! (Her "fame" seems to be growing rapidly on the
June'97 there were only 16 mentions and by Jan'98 there were
90, and by May 2000 there are over 140!)
--And now in2000/2001, a new book entirely
devoted to Enheduana and Inanna
has been written by Betty De Shong Meador!
"INANNA Lady of Largest
Heart, Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess Enheduanna"
is THE book to begin with!
It is written very accessibly for scholars and non-scholars. I highly reccommend it.
Who knows what is going to happen now with interest in ENheduanna!
--**Note: If I have missed any books, articles etc... please let me
know and I will update the list! A most appreciated thank you to
those who have! I aim to be as comprehensive as possible.
1928: Woolley, Sir Leonard, "Royal Inscriptions from Ur", Ur Excavation
Texts and Plates, Vol.1, Joint Mission of the British Archeological Expedition
and the University of Pennsylvania
--This includes all of the inscriptions relevant to Enheduana.
1928: Gadd, E.J., Ur Excavation Texts, Vol 1, p.23 and plate C,
--Photo of E's disk
1929: Gadd, E.J., History And Monuments of Ur
--Photo study and some pre-mature assumptions about
Enheduana's life.
193_: Woolley, C.L., Excavations at Ur, p.115
--Woolley's early account of his discoveries at Ur, with a whole
page about Enheduana- first lengthy mention of Enheduana.
1951: Gadd, E.J.,"En-an-e-du", Iraq 13, 1951, p.27-39
--Interesting article on Enanedu's long inscription. She is one of the en-priestesses
which follow Enheduana.
1953: Figulla, H.H., "Accounts concerning allocation of provisions
from offerings in the Ningal Temple at Ur", Iraq 15, p.88-113, 171-192
--No mention of Enheduana but very interesting because it lists actual records of offerings made
to Ningal and other minor deities in the Ningal temple which
was run by the en-priestess of Nanna.
1954-56: Sollberger, Edmond, "Sur La Chronologie des rois
d'Ur et quelques problemes connexes" , Archiv fur Orientforschung (AFO)#17,
-- The relevant section: Les Grandes-pretresses de Nanna, deals with
all of the en priestesses of Nanna, starting with Enheduanna.
1958: Falkenstein, A., "Enhedu'anna, Die
Tochter Sargons von
RA 52, p.
129-131. This article was written in german and the title in english is:
"Enhedu'anna, The Daughter of Sargon of Akkad". This was the
first published translation of Enheduana's Sumerian
1964: Kramer, Samuel Noah, Journal of Cuneiform Studies #18,
p.45 Footnote #76
--Interesting, yet unexplainable note that the name 'Enheduana'
appears in a liturgy of Dumuzi.
1968: Hallo, William W. and J.J. Van Dijk,
The Exaltation of Inanna, Yale University Press.
--The first book totally devoted to Enheduana!
It focusses on the translation of E's poem, "Ninmessara" and
provides a sizable amount of information on Enheduana.
1969: Kramer, Samuel Noah, "A Hymnal Prayer of Enheduana:
the adoration of Inanna in Ur", Ancient Near Eastern Texts,
--Kramer's translation of Ninmesara, no commentary added.
1969: Sjoberg, Ake W. and E. Bergmann S.J., The Collection of the
Sumerian Temple Hymns
--A compilation of Enheduana's 42 Temple
1969: Sollberger, Edmond, Revue d'Assyriologie Vol.63, p.180,
"Notes Breves no.16" (in engish)
--He points out there is a duplicate of Enheduana's inscription,
located on the back of the alabaster disk (UET1, p.23, mentioned
above), found in the very same UET 1 volume. It is an Old Babylonia
n tablet (UET1, 289). It has been used in reconstructing the
inscription on the back of the alabaster disk which was heavily
damaged when first discovered.
1971: Limet, Henri, "Le Poeme Epique 'Inanna et Ebih':une version
des lignes 123-182, Orientalia Series 2, Vol 40 #1-2
--A partial translation of E's poem,Inanna &
Ebih in french.
1974: Siebert, Ilse, "Woman In Ancient Near East", Abner
Schram/Edition Leipzig
--An excellent photo of the alabaster disk as well as of many artifacts
depicting women.
1974: Sjoberg, Ake W., "In-nin-sa-gur-ra: A Hymn to the Goddess
Inanna by the en-Priestess Enheduanna", Zeitschrift Fur
Assyriologie #65, p.161-253.
--A translation and analysis of E's poem
"Stout-hearted Lady" (in english)
1975: Weadock, Penelope, "The Giparu at Ur", Iraq 37, p.101-137
--Excellent discussion of the giparu, the sacred space in
which the en-priestess
lived. It lists all the en-priestesses that lived there over a 500 year
period beginning with Enheduanna.
1975: Hallo, William W., "The Women of Sumer", Bibliotheca
Mesopotamica, vol. 4, p.23-40, Ed. Denise Schmandt-Besserat,
Undena Publications
--Excellent discussion of women's role in Sumer with a healthy
mention of Enheduanna. Hallo is one of her greatest champions-
he includes her in most of his writings.
Kramer, Samuel N.,"Poets and Psalmists: Goddesses and
Theologians",Bibliotheca Mesopotamica, vol. 4, p.3-21, Ed. Denise
Schmandt-Besserat, Undena Publications
--A nice complementary article to Hallo's above mentioned article
with the focus on women as writers. Enehduanna is included.
1976: Cohen, Mark E., "Literary Texts From the Andrews University
Archaelogical Museum", Revue d'Assyriologie Vol 70-71, p.131f.,
--A translation of a tablet dating back to the late Old Babylonian
period containing a literary catalogue which lists Enheduana's
three Hymns to Inanna.
1980: Barnstone, Aliki and Willis,
" Anthology of Women Writers...."
-- A translation of Ninmessara in a more accessible form
(non-scholarly form), perhaps for the first time!
1985: Wilson, Gerald Henry, "The Editing of the Hebrew Psalter",
Dissertation series/Society of Biblical Literature; 76,
Scholars Press, Chico, California.
A PhD Dissertation for Yale University,
presented in 1981.
Discusses the organization of Enheduana's compilation of
the Sumerian Temple Hymns and how they served
as a canon until Old Babylonian times.
Although, hymns were added 200-300
years after she had first assembled them,
the work retained her colophon as sole
compiler and no other scribe-copyist's
colophon was ever added to the many
exemplars found. This reinforces the importance
of her initiating such a compilation of temple
hymns which served a purpose beyond the original
one to help unify Sargon's rule of Sumer and Akkad.
1985: Hall, Robert Glenn, "A Study of the Moon-God, Nanna/Suen",
A PhD Dissertation for the Oriental Studies Dept. at the University
of Pennsylvania. It is available through UMI Dissertation Services in
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
--This 900 page exhaustive resource covers anything and everything
related to the cult of Nanna, hence, it contains several significant
references to Enheduanna. Most of the scholars who write about
Enheduanna refer to this work. It is highly reccommended.
1987: Winter, Irene, "Women in public: the disk of Enheduanna, the
beginning of the office of en-priestess, and the weight of visual
evidence," Revue Assyriologique Internationale #33, p.189-201
--Excellent analysis of the alabaster disk
1987: Asher-Greve, Julia, "The Oldest Female Oneiromancer", RA #
33, (same issue as above), p.27-33
--This is an excellent article which mentions Enheduanna's role as
prophetess/dream priestess.
1988: Chatze, Tasia, "Enchentouanna:he epoche,he zoe, kai to
ergo ites" (Athena, Odysseas, 1988) 351 p.p. in Modern Greek
title in english: "Enheduanna: the epoch, the life, and her work".
[This title given to me by William Hallo- Thank you! Now if I could
only read Greek!] I spoke to the author and it is a very scholarly res
earched book about Enheduana written as a narrative
for lay audiences. She told
me it did very well in Greece for scholarly non-fiction!
1989: Westenholz, Joan Goodnick, "Enheduanna: En-Priestess,
Hen of Nanna, Spouse of Nanna" in Dumu-E-Dub-Ba-A: Studies in
honor of Ake Sjoberg (Occasional Publications From the
S.N.Kramer Foundation)
--Excellent article about Enheduana's role as
High Priestess to the Moon God, Nannar
1989: Corbett, Nancy Qualls, The Sacred Prostitute Archetype,
Inner City pub., Toronto
-A Jungian analyst links Enheduanna to the Sacred Prostitute
Archetype and analyses excerpts of Ninmesarra.
1992: Frymer-Kensky, Tikva Simone, In The Wake of the Goddesses-Women,
Culture, and the Biblical Transformation of Pagan Myth
The Free Press, A Division of Macmillan, Inc.
--Excellent book about the history of how the powerful role
of the pagan goddesses was transformed by the biblical view of the world.
Enheduana and her relationship to Inanna.
1992: Meador, Betty De Shong, Uncursing the dark: treasures from
the underworld, Chiron Publications
1993: Ozaniec, Naomi, Daughter of the Goddess: The Sacred
Priestess, Aquarius/Thorsons
1993: Newgrosh, Barry, Enheduana and Inanna, Proceedings of the 1993
Cambridge Conference, Chronology and Catastrophism REview,
available at the website: --An intereresting perspective about the possiblity that
Enheduana was describing earthly cataclysms in her ninmesarra
hymn to Inanna.
--An excellent book combining Jungian analysis, feminism,
Goddess religion, and wonderful new translations of E's writings.
-Enheduana is discussed p.58-65, fairly thorougly in an accessible
1993: Frayne, Douglas, The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia-
Early Periods Vol.2: Sargonic and Gutian Periods (2334-2113 BC)
p.35f, 38f
--A detailed catalogue listing all of the visual
evidence regarding Enheduana and a bibliography of everything
written about these artifacts
1994: Leick, Gwendolyn, Sex and Eroticism in Mesopotamian
--Mentions Enheduana's poems in reference to the theology of
Inanna p.58-59
1995:Postgate, J.N., "Early Mesopotamia: Society and Economy at
the Dawn of History, p.41 and....
--Excellent book to put Enheduana in a context of her times.
1995: Volk, Konrad, "Inanna and Sukaletuda", [Santag 3], Wiesbaden --It has been told to me that the author speculates that this myth has its origins in the Old Akkadian period and is similar to Enheduana's syle. He has a chapter devoted to her. It is in german and I haven't read it yet.
1995: Thompson, William Irwin, 1) The Story of Inanna and Dumuzi:
From Folk-Tale to Civilized Literature: A Lindisfarne Symposium, 2)
The Hero versus the Initiate in the masculine encounter with Death:
A comparison of Osiris and Gilgamesh
avail. from Sound Photosynthesis Archive, San Francisco
1995: Ferguson, Susan, Inanna Returns, Thel Dar Publishing Co.
1995: Hirshfield, Jane, Women In Praise of the Sacred, Harper Collins,
--43 centuries of Spiritual Poetry by Women beginning with
Enheduana's Ninmesarra hymn to Inanna.
-- I have heard the second cassette and it has a very interesting
discussion placing Enheduana's ninmesarra hymn in the lirterary
tradition preceding Gilgamesh and Isis and Osiris. It is worth listening
to and forms part of a larger series
exploring the evolution of consciousness
through written works.
--A wonderful "story" from Inanna's perspective mentioning
1996: Hallo, William W., Origins: The Near Eastern Background of
Some Modern Western Institutions [E.J.Brill-Leiden, New York,
Koln pub] P.83, 147, 158, 171- 2 , 182-3, 263-6, 277-8
--Gives a throrough bibliography of scholarly
writings on Enheduana and discusses her contributions as a
writer in two chapters.
1996: Westenholz, A., Review of Douglas Frayne's
"The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia, Early Periods, vol.2: Sargonic
and Gutian Periods (2334-2113 BC)" in Bibliotheca Orientalis #53,
--The reviewer offers a positive review as well as a few spelling
corrections and thereby reassigns a calcite vase fragment
BM 123122 (RIME to Enheduana. Thank you to Dr.
Joan Westenholz who pointed this and many other additions to this
1997: Hallo, William W.,ed., The Context of Scripture,E.J.Brill,
-- Hallo has a new updated translation of "Ninmesarra",
Enheduanna's "Exaltation of Inanna"
1997: Zgoll, Annette, "Der Rechtsfall der Enheduanna im Lied Nin-me-sarra", [Ugarit-Verlag, Muenster] "Enheduana's Lawsuit in the poem Nin-me-sarra". (in German only, although I am having it translated at present, if you are interested, email me.) The following is a summary of the book by the author: " The book is dedicated to the life and work of En-hedu-Ana. It deals especially with her song nin-me-shara. It offers a totally new translation which can explain the crucial difficulties of this highly elaborate text. This translation is based on over 100 texts and fragments known so far, which were all either copied or collated in the various museums of the world. Many of them are published here for the first time. Stylistic features of this outstanding composition are displayed, also in comparison to other Sumerian literary texts. The conceptual background of the song is discovered: the lawsuit of the priestess against men and gods. From here we can detect traces of En-hedu-Ana's conceptions of the world and men. The book is divided in several parts, some of them are specifically for the specialist (eg. the section with discussion of the translation) and others are for the general reader as well: the translation, the chapters dedicated to the cultural and historical setting and concepts."
1997: Binkley, Roberta Ann, "A Rhetoric of the Sacred Other from
Enheduana to the present: Composition, Rhetoric, and
consciousness", PhD dissertation for the ENglish Dept. at the
University of Arizona. It is available
through UMI Dissertation Services.( http//, 800-521-06000
--THis is an excellent analysis of Enheduana's contributions to
literary history and the develpment of consciousness.
1998: Eisenberg, J.M., "Glyptic Art of the Ancient Near East, A Seal
Upon Thine Heart", Minerva, May/June, p.30, fig.23
--Again thank you to Dr. William Hallo for letting me know that
a new seal in the Rosen collection has been assigned to Enheduana.
I have not recieved permission yet, but hope to include a photo in
my visual evidence page, soon.
1999: Altman, Rochelle I.S., "Some Aspects of Older Writing Systems: With Focus on the DSS", found on a website
The paper mentions the importance of music and chants to the act of reading out loud. She says "chants are a very effective mnemonic aid...used by Enheduana in her religious music set.
2000:Meador, Betty De Shong,
"INANNA, Lady of Largest Heart: poems of
the Sumerian High Priestess ENHEDUANNA", University of Texas Press, Austin
--This is the book we've all been waiting for! The definitive book about
See my review!
Eichler, Barry, "Inanna & Ebih", University of Pennsylvania
-- An unpublished translation.
1991: Pollack,S.M., "Women In A Men's World: Images of Sumerian
Women", in J.M.Gero and M.W.Conkey's Engendering Archeology-
Women & Prehistory, Oxford Press
1991: Baring, Anne and Cashford, Jules , The Myth of the Goddess, (New York
: Viking)
-Briefly mentions Enheduana as having lived when patriarchy was
infiltrating the worship of the Goddess.
1992: Steinkeller, P., Third Millenium Legal and Admisnistrative
Texts. No.42 p.77-78
--It is quoted here that in the time of Enheduana, women got half
the rations of men.
1995 Storstad, Marilyn, ed., History of Art
--An Introduction to Art History book that includes Enheduana's
disk- this is a first! Undergraduate students of Art History are now
learning about Enheduana !
1995 Thompson, William Irwin, The Hero Versus the Initiate in the
Masculine Encounter with Death: A Comparison of Osiris and
Gilgamesh: A Lindisfarne Symposium, avail. from Sound
Photosynthesis Archive, San Francisco
--An excellent cassette which discusses Enheduana's poem,
ninmesarra in a literary context compared to Isis and Osiris and
Gilgamesh. It deals with the cyclicity and return of the archetypal female
world. Part of the same series as the tape below.
? Ringren, Helmer, Religions Of The Ancient Near East
--Apparently there are excerpts from Enheduana's three hymns to
? Edwards, I.E.S., ed., The Cambridge Ancient History Vol.1
Part 2: Early History of the Middle East in Part 2A, 3rd Ed., p.435
--A slim reference to Enheduana but good understanding of the
area and era.
Review of Meador's NEW book on ENheduana!!
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