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Jonny's debut album on A&M records, which has gone Platinum (yeah!)

Track 1 "Lie to Me": Definitely one of my favorites. Even though he may or may not be going through what he's singing about, it sure sounds like it! He sounds do sad, or is that just me?

Track 2 "Darker Side": I like this song, although it is a little bit long for my tastes, love the guitar solo.

Track 3 "Good Morning Little School Girl": At first I didn't like this song much because it kind of scared me, I mean he's talking about stalking this girl, is that not scary? Then I realized that he didn't write it and was just singing it because he liked the song. It's not my favorite song but it's good.

Track 4 "Still Wonder": I like this song a lot, everyone can relate to song about wondering if someone else still thinks about you.

Track 5 "Matchbox": I absolutely LOVE this song, I love how he sings at the beginning (I'm tired of sighing, tired of worrying too) I just love how his voice sounds during this part. Then I totally love his guitar solo, he is soooo talented! If you think otherwise you shouldn't be reading this!

Track 6 "Back for a Taste of Your Love": I really like the parts of the songs in which he hit the high notes especially the part where he says "It takes two to make it, and I know you can take it" (italicized is where he hits the high note)

Track 7 "A Quitter Never Wins": This song is okay, it's not my favorite but I love all the song on "Lie to Me" because they are sung by Jonny!

Track 8 "Hit the Ground Running": I like this song and it was one of my first favorites because it's so catchy!

Track 9 "Rack 'em Up": I like this song because it's cool hearing about "the grade A fool" and his obsession with pool.

Track 10 "When I Come to You": Awww... this song is so sweet, almost to the point of sappy, but that's OK I like sappy! I have to say that Jonny is definitly a good writer, and this song will sell anyone on him.

Track 11 "There's Gotta to Be a Change": I really like everything about this song, from the guitar to the singing this one's a perfect 10.

Track 12 "Missing Your Love": This song is the second song on the album that is co-written by Jonny, and again it's a ballad, coincidence? I think not. But seriously I like the ballads because you can see what he's capable of, he doesn't just have to sing the absolute blues, he can mix it with lots of other different music.

Overall I like this album very much, so much so that I cannot pick a favorite. They are all really near and dear to my heart.

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