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This is a transcription of a handwritten 1878 will. Much of it was illegible but I have been as accurate as possible.. Words I could not decipher are in bracketsl Some that I could, but could not understand the meaning are also in brackets. I tried to keep the punctuation the same, but did add a few marks to make it more readable.
I found it surprising that the will directed that the house , furniture and all hosehold goods be sold. I would have thought his wife would have owned the household goods. --No wonder she buried him in an unmarked grave!

The Last Will and Testament of Fredrick Wedekind

The State of Mississippi, Noxubee County

Last Will and Testament of F. Wedekind

In the name of God Amen. I , F. Wedekind of the town of Macon in the county of Noxubee and the state of Mississippi at the age of 55 years old and being of sound mind and memory do make , publish and declare this my last will and Testament in manner following, that is to say:
First, I direct that my funeral expenses shall be paid by my executrix, [fr------] after to be [n---] with all convenient speed and I do [nose?] try change and make [lecable]all my real and usual estate: but I do not hearby diminish that my personal Estate shall be applied first for the payment of the service.
Second, I give and devise to my beloved wife "Sophie" one half of all my real personal estate in the United States.
Third, I give and devise to my beloved daughters, Jennette, Hortense, Adelheit, Martha, and Geneveive, the other half of all my real and personal estate to be equally divided among them, share and share alike.
Fourth: I direct that all my real and personal estate together with any [choses] in action, consisting of a dwelling house whichin I now occupy with the outhouses, yard and garden and lot on which the house stands as described in deed as Fractional lot of 6 o'clock , number (25) twenty five and containing--acres more of [be,] according to the plan and plot of survey of the town of Macon, laying actuate and being in the town of Macon, County of Noxubee and State of Mississippi. Also, that piece and parcel of land laying about and being in the town, county and state as aforsaid Known and. described as plot 10 number 12 according to the plans of survey of the town of Macon containing one and three fifth acres, shall be sold as soon as possible after my decease, after all agreement of law have been complied with, at public auction to the highest bidder and such terms as seem proper to any heirs. And one half of the proceeds I give and devise to my wife "Sophie". The other half I give and devise to my daughters as aforsaid to be equally divided among them, share and share alike as aforsaid.
. Fifth: I direct that all the household goods furniture and fixtures and all of my personal estate to be sold at the same time and divided in the same manner. and one half of the proceeds I give and devise to my wife "Sophie" and the remaining half I give and devise to my daughters as aforsaid, to be equally divided among them, share and share alike.
Sixth: My inheritance from my father's estate in Europe and all monies and [chosis-ll] action that I may have at the time of my death shall be equally divided among my wife and daughters aforsaid, share and share alike. That is to say my wife "Sophie" shall only have the part of a child from said inheritance.. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal, this the first day of October, eighteen hundred and seventy eight.

F. Wedekind
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