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A Little Bit About Myself

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Grand Rapids, Michigan Forecast

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Just a little bit about myself. My name is Lisa. I was born Dec.10,1970. I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan (home of former President Gerald R. Ford). I have lived here my whole life.

Click here to see a picture of our downtown area.

Check out what I have for sale on eBay! My items on eBay

I have 2 half sisters and a half brother, Clara (Doug), they have 5 children, Michael, Jennifer, Jessica, Justine and Matthew, JoAnn (Neil) They have 2 daughters, Mira and Marie and Durk. He has 4 children, Andrew, Natasha, Danny and McKenzi.

I work for a local bakery merchandising product in a local grocery stores.

My interests include, crafts mostly cross stitch (When I have the time)-ha ha! I have just taken up an interest in Memory Books. I like to be outside with my flower garden. I enjoy baking and cooking. My favorite food to cook and eat is Chinese. I like to dance, go shopping and spend time on the internet. I am addicted to eBay!!!! I love music, TV, and movies.

My all time favorites are "Grease2", "Tango & Cash", "The Wedding Singer", "You've Got Mail" and "An American President". I'm a BIG fan of Sylvester Stallone! :-) As for TV I'm a fan of, "The Honeymooners","That's Life", "Doc", "The Flintstones", "Ally McBeal","Northern Exposure", "The Walton's", and "King of Queens". I also enjoy musicals. My favorites include "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat", "Evita", Phantom of the Opera", and "The King and I". My musical interets vary. I love many different styles. Mostly 80's music ( Duran Duran). I am currently a big fan of the rock group Kiss.

I also enjoy Matchbox 20, The Goo Goo Dolls, and Sugar Ray. I listen to country music ( Marty Stuart Neal McCoy,Clint Black)Click here to see a photo of Marty singing at the Opry on Nov. 14, 1998.

I like to travel. So far I have traveled to Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Canada, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. In the fall of 1997 I went on a trip to Tennessee. I stayed in Old Hickory, home of former President Andrew Jackson, at my cousin's house. We made trips into Nashville. The highlight of the trip was going to the"Opryland Hotel".

I have a parakeet, Millie. She is very beautiful, light blue and white. She is very active and very much the entertainer! She has been a part of our family for 5 years now.

We also have a new member of our family, Molly. She is a kitten born April 4, 01. Will add a picture soon.

I hope that you will stop by often. On this page I will give updates on what is going on.

Jan 23

Click to go visit my haunted house....if you dare!

Here are the October birthdays of my friends and family.

Happy Birthday to Carol on the 5th, Gail on the 25th and Benjie on the 28th. BABY NEWS Lucas born on the 15th. Congratulations to Shawnna and Randy!


Don't Forget To Visit These Sites

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
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Family(Alzheimer's Disease)
Fun Things To Do With Children
Ever Changing Holiday Page
Visit our museum in downtown Grand Rapids
Let's go visit the John Ball Zoo in Grand Rapids-New address!!
Friends and Family Links
My newest page-Recipe of the Month