Ferret Health

Ferrets are delightful critters who have their own unique set of health concerns and issues. From a simple flu to serious illness or cancer, knowing how recognize symptoms of a potential ailment and having a relationship with a knowledgeable ferret vet are crucial to your critter's well being!

We maintain a list of recommended veterinarians for Southeast Michigan.  Check out the Recommended Michigan Veterinarians list via the button below.  And if you have a great vet in Michigan who isn't currently listed, please send along his or her (or the clinic) information (along with a short note about your experience please) so we can add your vet to our list!

 We also recommend the wonderful book "Ferrets For Dummies," which is chock full of great information for both first time ferret parents and long time ferret parents as well!    


Depression   My Ferret Won't Eat   Adrenal Disease   Managing Insulinoma   Recommended Michigan Vets


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