I'm Freya Lorelei, a 18-whoops, 'scuse me, 19-year-old (just had a birthday)high school graduate from Michigan. My hobbies are Xena, Nintendo games, ancient weaponry, Xena, my lovebird Pache (pronounced Pah-shee), vampire role-playing, and...Xena! I'm quite the Hard-Core Nutball. I also enjoy the X-Files (Wooo! Duchovny!), The Simpsons, and anything with Audrey Hepburn. I'm interested in Eastern philosophy and culture, and I luv the Internet. I am also currently a closet Star Wars fan (NOT just Episode One, thank you very much...the Trilogy kicks ass!). My goals in life include world domination and waffles for breakfast. Celery sticks arise, death to turnips! Thank you.
Pottery Sally says Rock on, Lennon! She plays the guitar, the harmonica, and the Beatles over and over til I can't stand it. She's a wanna-be actress, whose repetoire so far consists of the bitchy Puritan Abigail Williams in The Crucible, Myra in Rumors, Child #1 in I Never Saw Another Butterfly, Fran in Up the Down Staircase, Gay Wellington in You Can't Take It With You, Chorus Member in Fiddler On The Roof, and Lena in The Rimers of Eldritch. She has worked tirelessly to support both highschool and community theater, and her support for the latter has paid off via a role in the chorus of Fiddler On The Roof. She also loves Mystery Science Theater 3000.