Shh! Zelda Cheats

Song Clues

Song of Time is both a passkey and a warp ablity. Play Saria's Song to the Goron King. Zelda's Lullaby is like a royal pass-slip. When in doubt, play Zelda's Lullaby and see what happens! Try seeing-eye rocks, Zora's Palace, and the Tomb of Souls in the graveyard. Play the Sun's Song to turn day to night, and vice versa. Helps in finding Spiders of the Curse, freezing zombies and mummies, and avoiding enemies as young Link. Play the Song of Storms in front of beanplants for fairies. Play Epona's Song to get milk from the cows, and to call your pony when an adult. Prelude of Light warps you to the Temple of Time. Play the Song of Storms to the Windmill Guy in Kakariko Village, and he'll REALLY hate you, but you need that to get the song. When you see a green fairy zoom to an empty spot for no apparent reason, try playing the Song of Storms or the Scarecrow's Song.

Weapon Clues

If you chase Dampe when an adult, you get a hookshot.*Way* better than a boomerang! In the Goron's City, you can get the Giant's Knife as an adult. However, it'll cost you two-hundred rupees, also it breaks easily, so save your dinars and go through the process to get the Biggoran's Sword. In the second dungeon as Child Link, you have to bomb Dodongo. Sounds simple, but it took Sally forever to figure out, much less achieve. Use a boomerang in Jabu-Jabu's belly to kill those nasty little jellyfish and psycho bubbles. Z-target on the gyrating electrical whatevers in front of the switches, stun 'em with your boomerang, then wap 'em with your sword. Another "trial-by-error" clue Pottery Sally learned.

The Biggoran's Sword

Get the Pocket Egg from the chicken lady in Kakariko Village. Use it to wake Talon, who's in your way near Zelda's Castle. Return to the chicken lady, who'll give you a blue chicken. Give it to the scary guy (the one who thinks all people are disgusting) in the Lost Woods. You'll have to search awhile for him, so don't get frustrated. He'll get all happy and give you a mushroom, with instructions to give it to the hag who runs the potion shop. You only have 3 minutes to get it there before the warranty expires (or something like that) so run. The hag will give you a funny medicine. Return to the Lost Woods. The formerly sad, now happy Gollum-esq guy is not there. In his place is a Kokiri who gives you a broken saw (uh, gee thanks). Take it to Gerudo Valley; jump the bridge on Epona or use a Longshot from the Water Temple. On the other side is the surly handyman from Kakariko Village. He'll exchange your broken saw for a broken sword. Things are looking up! Go to the top of Death Mountain to meet up with Biggoran (use a bean plant). He'll gladly fix your sword; unfortunately, he can't see a thing without his eye drops! He gives you a prescription to take to King Zora (don't ask me why). Kingy will give you an Eyeball Frog, which is apparently an ingredient in the eyedrops. Whatever. You have 3 minutes to deliver the frog to the crazy scientist at Lake Hylia. Don't warp or you're instantly disqualified, so call your faithful horse,, Epona, and make tracks. The crazy scientist will give you the bloody eyedrops, already. You now have 4 minutes to take them to Biggoran. On foot. If you so much as touch Epona, you are disqualified. Hurry, Cinderelly! Once you reach Biggoran, he'll be pleased as punch and immediately start work on your sword. In the meantime, you'll be given a claim check and instructions to return in 3 days. However, you can speed up the process. Simply play the Sun's Song six times (three for eve, three for morn), and you'll have used up the required time. Then you'll finally have (da da DAHH!) your Biggoran's Sword. A handy-dandy weapon that cuts through any enemy in half the time (and trouble); totally useful when facing Gannondorf.

Epona the Wonder Horse

Here's the instructions on how to get your pony. As a child: Go to Lon-Lon Ranch and talk to Malon. She'll teach you Epona's song, very useful. She'll also introduce you to a foal named Epona. Epona's a bit skittery now, but play the song and she'll follow you 'round. As an adult: Go back to the ranch at night. Play Epona's Song in the middle of the field, and she'll come a-runnin'. Climb on her back with the A button. Epona's the only way to get the fourth bottle and the Biggoran's Sword, and you can shoot arrows while on her (very tricky). Epona's fast, fun, convenient, and hey! She's good eatin' too!

People and Places

Killing Spiders of the Curse gets you, in order: an Adult Purse, the Stone of Agony (useful only with a Rumble Pak), a Giant's Purse, a Heart Piece, and, with all one hundred, a lousy-stinkin' 200 rupees. Collect the chickens (or "cuccos" in Hyrule-speak) in Kakariko Village and you get a bottle from their young mistress. If you stab your sword at them long enough, they get irritated, and suddenly let out this piercing cock-a-doodle-doo, then all the chickens fly and attack you. They really beat the shit outta you too, so get out of there *fast*, or you'll be dead. Sell fish or bugs to the little beggar boy. Buy beans from the goblin hawking them near Zora's Palace, but be forewarned: each time you buy one, he jacks up the price 10 rupees. You get 10 beans and 10 places to plant them, so don't worry about wasting rupees or not having enough, as I did at first. Sell your masks in the following order: the Keaton mask to the guard at the foot of Death Mountain; the Wooden mask to his cute little son in the graveyard; the Skull mask to the Skull Kid in the Lost Woods (but be prepared to lose money); and the Bunny Hood to a guy running 'round Hyrule field at night. He won't talk to you 'til he sits down, then he'll pay you scads for the hood. Race him as an adult near Gerudo's Fortress to get... Nothing. It's a dead-end race. He always wins by one second. Ugh. Instead of buying fish for Jabu-Jabu, catch one in a bottle. Go fishing! At the bottom of the pond, there is a kind of fish known as the Hylian Loach. It looks kinda like a cross between an eel and a mudpuppy. It's really cute! Catch it using the Sinking Lure. Search around the pond, especially near the reeds and rocks. However,if you use the Sinking Lure to catch record-breaking fish, you'll be disqualified and won't get a prize. I caught an 18-pounder, and got squat for using a Sinking Lure. You'll get rupees for the Loach. Recently I let my mom play my game, and of course she went fishing. She can't actually beat anything worth crap, so she just mucks around at the fishing hole. She caught a record-breaking 20-lb (!) fish in five minutes with the Sinking lure. Unfortunately, she never bothered to talk to the "expert fisherman" for permission (he does give you permission to use a Sinker if you talk to him about it before weighing your catch), so she was disqualified from the prize. Catch the biggest fish in the pond (personal record: 18 lbs) to get a Golden Scale. You'll be able to dive reeeeally deep. If you catch the Fishing Guy's hat, he'll get seriously pissed and yell at you. He'll also charge you rupees, so just take my word on it, OK? In the holes in the ground there are brown balls hanging from the corners of the ceiling. Use a hookshot on them to get rupees. Place bugs in soft soil to lure Spiders out. Touch butterflies with Deku Sticks as young Link to get free fairies.

Beat the Bosses

In this section in the next few weeks (or whenever the hell I get around to it; what am I, Kreskin?) I'll be adding tips, clues, and blatant cheats on how to beat the big bad bosses of Zelda. And maybe, if I get around to it, I'll even add walkthroughs, but don't hold your breath.

1)Parasitic Armored Archnid Gohma: The first boss's not too hard to beat. Just shoot the overgrown louse in the eye before her eggs drop on you, then wack her when she hits the ground.

2)Infernal Dinosaur King Dodongo: When he rolls towards you, run. Then when he stops to open his mouth and breath fire at you, chuck a bomb into him. A few tries at this, and he'll literally blow a gasket.

3)Bio-Electric Jellyfish Barinade: Z-target, and be patient. Boomerang him, and hit the wee jellies that fly around, then lace the body with the 'rang. After you stun him, run up and slice him to ribbons. Keep this up, and he'll melt like the Witch of the West.

4)Evil Spirit From Beyond Phantom Ganon: After PG charges into the painting, do a constant full-circle around the room to get a better look at the paintings. At this point he'll do one of two things: emerge from the painting in phantom form, then turn tail at the last minute, or do a full charge. Either way, keep your arrows trained on him, just in case. If you guess right, fire when Ganon turns white. In his second form, he comes at you for a little one-on-one swordplay, tennis-style. He lobs a ball of fire at you, you have to lob it back with your sword. After a short game of tennis (or not-so-short), you'll eventually get a hit. When you do, wail on him with your sword. Keep this up, and he'll go into the Land of Shadows.

5)Subterranean Lava Dragon Volvagia: Unfortunately, whenever I see this name, I think personal parts of the anatomy, but anywho...When he bulldozes underground, wait outside the edges. He'll either pop up for a short breather from one of the holes, or do a full-body launch into the air. If he does the latter, he'll send flaming rocks down upon you, which can easily be evaded by simply standing still near the edges. When he pops up, nail him with the hammer, then use the Biggoran's Sword (you DO have the Biggy, right?) After a while, he'll spontaneously combust.

6)Giant Aquatic Amoeba Morpha: Z-target right away on the little red blob floating inside it, or may God have mercy on your soul, because unless you get hold of it right away, your life for the next few minutes will be a living hell. Trust me. And the gods help you if he grabs you, because he throws hard and fast, and takes five-hearts-damage from you. Stock up on Fairies before meeting this puppy. Zero in on the little red blob with your Longshot, ready-aim-fire, and be ready to beat the shit outta him with the Biggy (be SURE to carry the Biggy on you at all American Express, "Don't leave home without it!").

7)Phantom Shadow Beast Bongo Bongo: snick Bongo Bongo? Ai-ya, what kinds of interesting subtances are the folks down at Nintendo Headquarters smoking? Okiday, before we enter the room, let's take OFF our Hover boots? Cause if'n ya don't, you'll slip-slide-n-shimmy your way down the hole of a lair he lurks in, and we don't want that. When you do fall down the hole (don't worry, you don't take damage from this fall), you'll bounce around like a ping-pong ball, so, not to sound like a broken record, Z-target on him, and employ your Eye of Truth. After you get a grasp on his whereabouts, ready your Bow (um, you DID know you have to use your Bow, right? Whoops, sorry 'bout that), ready-aim-fire into each hand to stun him, then shoot him in the eye, then run up and nail him with the Biggy. A couple rounds like that, and he'll be up in smoke.

7)Um, I haven't quite yet beaten the Spirit Temple, or its distinquished foes, the Sorceress Sisters Twinrova, Koume and Kotake. But when I DO get to them, you'll be the first ones to know!

My Personal Gods

Most of this Sally figured out herself. However, some of this we needed a wee boost on, so if you want it from The Zelda Masters, go to the address below. Or home again. I don't really care. No skin off my ass.

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