Smell the Fun!

Since starting this site, my links section on the main page has become too crowded. So I am putting up a special section for just links. Not to worry, I'm keeping all the old links--plus adding some new ones! I think you will find my link section most satisfactory. I'm not overselling, judge for yourself:

Well, shit. I lost the address for Mulderclones AND the Phantom Menace page, so I'm taking both off. However, I found a lovely replacement site for the Phantom Menace page. It's Star Wars Chicks, and I enjoy it very much. I hope you do too.

HALLELULIA! I finally relocated the Phantom Menace Helper site! I dunno what happened, maybe the server got switched or somethin'...ah well. No matter, the thing is, it's back!

Been keeping this one under my hat's the BEST fan fic I've ever read. Yes, it's based on Xena (and anyone who says otherwise is lying or stupid), but it's so well-written, it doesn't matter. It's the works of the fantabulous MISSY GOOD, an author whose work I happened to come across. Folks, this is simply wonderful. Missy, you are my new moon-goddess. *bow* I humble myself to your greatness. Also added the Playstation site link...hell, Nintendo shouldn't get ALL the publicity!

Friends, Romans, countrymen...I invite you to partake of my friend Odd-EyE's (under the pseudo-identity Justice) lovely wonderful page which she promises to update tomorrow (RIGHT, Odd-EyE?). It's a random collection of fan fic, essays, and general deeply philosophical works. By no small coincidence I, Freya Lorelei, shall also be contributing to this little gold mine, so stop on by, y'hear?

Hear ye, hear ye, shut up and pay attention. Justice and I have officially created a Xena: Warrior Princess forum! We created this gem the historic day of May 20th, and we're reasonably quite proud of it, as it is of the highest quality. Justice is responsible for the technicalities and layout, and I field questions and maintain the content. If you're a Hard-Core Nut Ball, a ROCaholic, or simply like to see Ares with his shirt off (you too?!), c'mon down!

*Sigh* I have finally broken down and revealed my latest obsession, the movie Labyrinth. I know it's cheesy and campy and ridiculous, with tepid acting and a terrible script. I like it that way. Everybody now! "You remind me of the babe..." "What babe?" "The babe with the power." "What power?" "The power of voodoo." "Who do?" "You do!" "Do what?" "Remind me of the babe." Heh heh heh. Justice, this is all your fault (and you better put THAT on your Quotes page!) :)

Replaced the Labyrinth page with a MUCH BETTER site...Jareth's Realm. This contains fabulous analyses of the film, plus a really fun forum, run by some of the nicest ladies you could ever hope to meet. This is a kick-ass site; sort of like a mini-Whoosh!, devoted to Labyrinth.

Added link to my Xena forum. That's right: My Xena forum. Since the destruction of the old one, I created a new one that will, if not replace the old one, make the loss a bit easier *sniff*. Please come visit, and revel in your love of the Warrior Princess and the Battling Bard.

Pertinant game links

Official Nintendo site
Official Playstation site
Odd-EyE Wolf's fighting game page

Fun Stuff

Ajaba Laughline
The Hamsterdance page
Horsefeathers: The Collection
Jareth's Realm
Malkavian website
Missy Good's fan fic
Phantom Menace Helper
Project Overlord
Star Wars Chicks

My other pages

My Cozy Poetry Nook
Freya's Cast of Characters
Xena: Warrior Princess Forum