Overall: Kinda silly. To be honest, I didn't care for it that much. It was clearly designed for the male gamer; the whole game fairly reeked of testosterone. And the way it was set up, with that first-person point of view, made me paranoid, like I couldn't see what was behind me. And in a game that requires you to be agile and cool-headed, that's a definate drawback.
Graphics: Like I said, the Steadi-Cam view gave me the willies. The graphics were nice enough, I suppose...very detailed, especially with the background and scenery...but a little too comic-bookish. The gallons of blood shed when your player hits a dinosaur was a bit much; I can't stand violence against animals. People I can tolerate getting smacked around and gutted, but I draw the line at animals.
Sound System: Not especially original or unique, though I did like the overly-macho statement "I AM TUROK!" that occurs when you start a new game after your player gets off-ed. But other than that, the usual assortment of growls and shrieks found in man-vs-nature-style games.
Plot: Y'know, I don't really remember there being much plot to speak of. The whole game was basically a blatant excuse for guys to direct their aggression in a halfway-constructive manner. It doesn't really matter, I suppose, but still...
Abilities: Oh, let's count, shall we? You have a vast array of weapons at your disposal, which you can use to blow the head off of anything that moves, and you can jump. You can also climb, swim, and...use more weapons! Honestly, this game has a more varied arsenal than the U.S. Marine Corps. Not that this is a bad thing...I like a good napalm bomb as much as the next girl...but maybe it's a tad overkill, hmmm?
Difficulty: Harder than you'd think. I tested this puppy on my sister (as usual) and she could hardly finish the second level. Sure, it's a game where the objective is to leave as large a pile of corpses as possible, and sure, it's designed for guys (so naturally the average female gamer should be able to beat it in a matter of hours), but it also contains a number of extremely intricate puzzles and timed exercises. Not to mention you're being stalked by giant prehistoric creatures wherever you go. Very unnerving. Plus the controls themselves are rather "heavy" and difficult to maneuver. There's also that first-person issue I mentioned before.
Final Review: Not bad, for a game designed by and for beer-drinking males. The whole concept was probably sold on the back of a cocktail napkin at a New Year's Eve party. Or sent to Nintendo care of Tallahassee State Penitentary. I'd Poke it, but in might explode in a shower of shells.