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12/22/00: Finally added review of Zelda: Majora's Mask! Yep, it's here at last... 12/21/00: Added a couple things to Sally's "resume", and added "Updated Semi-Regularly" notice to Peke Puppy Link. I don't really have the time or inclination to be writing new stuff about Tai every single day; I'm still madly in love with him, but there's only so much stuff a 6-lb puppy can do, so if you want to see updates, check it yourself once in awhile. 11/20/00: Replaced old Labyrinth link with Jareth's Realm. Corrected various typos in the material of this page in general. 11/6/00: As you can see, I've trimmed the main page quite a bit, relegating the old Updates to its respective page. Also, added a link to my latest obsession, the high-quality (*snort yeah right*) film Labyrinth. Justice, stop laughing. 10/26/00: Aieee! Obtained copy of the all-new Zelda: Majora's Mask! Can't quite rate it yet, but as soon as Pottery Sally's gotten into it a bit, I will. Scares the hell outta me...looks complicated as all get-out. 10/13/00: Ahh, Friday the 13th...bwah hah hah. Anywho, updated the Spyro review, noting Sally finally beat the whole damn game...actually, this happened over a month ago, but I'm lazy. 9/12/00: Updated the Peke Puppy page...again. Ah hell, I'll just put a "Updated Daily" note next to the link, Okiday? So unless noted otherwise, it'll be updated every day. 9/11/00: Updated the Peke Puppy Page. Did I mention I am so in love with this dog? 9/9/00: Got my Peke puppy today! I named him Tai, and he's sitting in the kitchen in an X-pen as I type. To celebrate, I've added a Peke Puppy Page, so that I may spread my joy far and wide. 9/1/00: Golly, I haven't updated in awhile! Updated information in Bio; namely that I graduated (thank the gods), am turning 19, and Pottery Sally has landed a small but meaty role in the chorus of Fiddler On The Roof. Also, as soon as I am able, I will be including a review of the sequal to MediEvil. And on a completely unrelated note, I have visited my Peke several times, and needless to say he is the cutest canine to ever have walked the earth. He even has the Peke waddle! Only eight weeks old and so brilliant! I'm thinking of adding a "Pekingese Log" page to my site (not that anyone would visit it), as a sort of Puppy Bragging Page, to explore ad nauseum all the miraculous feats my little dust bunny accomplishes. But maybe I should hold off til I've actually got him home. :) 7/28/00: Finally added the information to MediEvil...that took freakin' forever. Also, I'm not getting a poodle; I'm getting a Pekingese. It's all picked out; red male Peke, show-quality, owned by a lady who's been breeding nothing but Pekingese for 30 years (gone to Westminster!), hand-picked by my grandmother (who knows the VP of the AKC). This is a good dog. I'll be showing him when he's old enough. No pictures yet (I haven't even laid eyes on him yet), but as soon as I have access to dog, camera, and scanner, his cute mug will be plastered all over here, you can be sure. 7/5/00: Removed link to Tristan...because I'm not getting him. For further information, e-mail me. I will, however, be getting a toy poodle eventually, and when I get him/her, there will be a picture on this site, under whatever name I decide to give the poodle. 7/4/00: Added link to a pic of my newest acquisition, a tiny toy poodle puppy named Tristan's Last Snowfall. For further detailed information, please e-mail me! 6/10/00: You may have noticed I cleared out the big wad of Updates. It's not gone, just relocated For Your Convenience. Also, I'm nixing the Malkie Web Ring. That's right: I've attempted to contact the owners of that particular ring for months now, and since they didn't answer (and I have no idea how to properly set up graphics) zee Malkie Ring ees Gone Vis Zee Vind! And I FINALLY added a new game! It's a first for me: neither N64 nor Playstation, it's a different bird altogether. Computer games. *taa daa* Enjoy Unreal Tournament. Oh, and almost forgot: The Artist Formerly Known As Odd-EyE has discovered another personality ("Not again!"). Meet the new face of Justice. 5/20/00: Added link to my New FORUM! It's a Xena forum, so all you Xenites, come join the fun! Oh, and please go to my Cozy Poetry Nook and read the original work Circumstance. You'll be glad you did! 4/4/00: Nothing actually new...just noting that Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace comes out today...very happy indeed! Now Sally can finally see it. I, on the other hand, saw it three times in the theater. :) 3/15/00: Added Tai Fu to the line-up...makes Odd-EyE a happy camper. 3/13/00: Oy Vey! Noticed I haven't updated in nearly a month...hold yer horses, got a crispy new review in the wings. It'll be done within the next few days, just as soon as Pottery Sally creams the Leopard King's ass in Tai Fu...keep yer pants on! 2/19/00Update!: OMIGOD...just found out the most amazing incredible wonderful magical thing...the immortals at Nintendo are coming out with a new Zelda game!!! It's called...well...I don't rightly remember what it's called. You can find the link to the amazing wonderful magical site I discovered this bit of news at HERE. ISN'T THIS INCREDIBLE??? 2/19/00: Updated XWP fighting game review, with my opinion of Despair. Also, you may have noticed...the NEW sign is blinking. I finally figured out a bit more of the damn html...gods, I'm such an amateur. 2/18/00: Added review of Xena N64 fighting game...y'know, the one by Titus? I got that for Christmas, and it cost damn enough, so I figured...better review it, eh? 1/24/00: Been working on this awhile...Project Overlord list added. 1/5/00: Wow, how weird is THAT? Double-zero's! Anywho, added link to Missy Good's site...folks, she's one of the best authors I've come across. RUSH out and buy Tropical Storm right now! Added Official Playstation site. 12/30/99: The last update of the millenium...sigh...where has the time gone? Added Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage, courtesy of Odd-Eye. 12/8/99: Updated the Zelda Cheats section, with new info on the Big Bad Bosses, and included my progress in Zelda as of Friday. Also, updated Sally's pseudo-resume, noting she got yet another all-star part in a play. sigh...So much talent...hellooo, Mr. Spielberg? 12/3/99: Updated the Malkie site link--was out of comission for a bit, but now it's good. 11/13/99: Ai-ya! Sorry I took so long in updating...but I got a toasty-hot new review for y'all, my eagerly-awaited Xena game for Playstation! Also updated Zelda cheats with info about the fish at Lake Hylia. 9/21/99: Great news! Relocated the Phantom Menace link...thank the gods! 9/13/99: Removed broken links--including Phantom Menace Link (sigh). Added Star Wars Chicks link. Oh, and in case you're interested, added another Chapter to Saril Aga. I do it for the fans. 8/17/99: Added Star Wars link, added review of "Smoke" to Kombat page, redesigned Mario's color. 7/23/99: I've updated my Zelda site a bit, noting that Sally beat Zelda, and I added how to defeat Gannondorf. Placed Lui Kang review on Kombat page. Also, I am indeed writing that great American novel. Ok, a few changes; like for one, it ain't set nowhere near America, it's a fantasy novel. The main character's a 19-year old female named Saril Aga. It means "noise of flowing water" in Turkish. Pretty, eh? I haven't decided much of a plot, except that it's looonngg, and at one point she's trapped in a cave for an indeterminable length of time and goes crazy. I've added the story to my Poetry Nook. So...it's there, if'n y'all wanna take a gander at it. Look for the saga of SARIL AGA in bookstores soon! Or at least within my lifetime.