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Yellow Submarine

Yellow Submarine

Yellow Submarine (1968) is an animated adventure directed by George Dunning and Charles Jenkins, and produced by Al Brodax of King Features, the company behind the American Beatles cartoon show. The film is animated by George Dunning, Fred Wolf, Bob Balser, Eddie Radage, Charles Jenkins, and Jack Stokes, and designed by Heinz Edelmann with Dennis Rich. The screen-play is by Lee Minoff and Al Brodax with Jack Mendelson, Erich Segal (of Love Story fame), and Roger McGough (of McGear and McGough), from a story by Lee Minoff.

The voiceover cast includes John Clive as John, Geoff Hughes as Paul, Peter Batten as George, and Paul Angelis as Ringo. Distributed by United Artists. 85 minutes.

Yellow Submarine is only incidentally a Beatle movie; the Fabshad little to do with its production. It is also said that Brian Epstein agreed to do it only because he believed it would complet the Beatles' three-film deal with United Artists. To the dismay of all concerned, the UA deal required on-screen participation from the entire group.