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All About Me

All About Me

Aren't you guys lucky!?!?! You get to learn about me! Just kidding. Here it is, my life story- well, up to 18 that is!.

Now, how do I start...I was born on 2 September 1984, which would make me 18. Ummm, I work at Hallmark (cards, gifts, etc.) which is great. It's the BEST store ever!! I have a sister named Nicole, who, I would have to say is my best friend. (And I'm not just saying that 'cause she's looking over my shoulder...) My other best friends are Jake and Ashley, whom I've known since 9th and 7th grade. I know that doesn't seem very long to some of you who have had friends from 30 years ago. We have the best times together- always laughing, I think that makes up for the time part. Anyways... I attend Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. I like to speak Spanish (Thanks to Adriana for all the extra help!) but I'm just beginning. I plan to study to become a Dentist, I really don't know why, concidering that I HATE going to the dentist, but... I LOVE to sing & try to play guitar. Although I'm not very good, I'm still learning. I also like the Monkees, Led Zepplin and all those other 60's and 70's bands. I went to a Monkees concert in 1997 (August 7th to be exact) and then a Ringo concert 1 March 99. We were so close!! Also, if you could check out this really great site- it's one of the local radio stations here WCSX Classic Rock. I have to like this site, the station has given me so many things. Well, they really didn't give them to me, I had to win them. Well, I guess that's it for now, I've got to work some more on this site! Gotta make it presentable to all you fabs out there!!