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A brief review ~ Character Pictures and Descriptions ~ Showings I've been to

This movie is ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!! You MUST have seen the first one in order for this one to make any sense, though. It starts right into the action and keeps going straight to the end!

Showings I've been to (or plan to go to):
  1. Wednesday, December 18, 2002, 11:25 AM - Grand Haven 9
  2. Friday, December 20, 2002, 1:20 PM - Studio 28
  3. Saturday, December 21, 2002, 11:30 AM - Cinema Carousel
  4. Thursday, December 26, 2002, 6:25 PM - Star Theater
  5. Saturday, January 11, 2003, 4:00 PM - Cinema Carousel

The Travellers:
Frodo ~ Sam ~ Merry ~ Pippin ~ Aragorn ~ Gimli ~ Legolas ~ Gandalf
Men (and Woman) of Rohan:
Eomer ~ Eowyn ~ Theoden
Men of Gondor:
Others Friends:
Treebeard ~ Elven Army
The Bad Guys:
The Balrog ~ Dunlending Wild Men ~ Easterling Army ~ Gollum (a.k.a. Smeagol) ~ Grima (a.k.a. Wormtongue) ~ The Nazgul ~ The One Ring ~ Saruman ~ Sauron ~ Others
The Travellers
In the second part of the trilogy, Frodo works his way toward Mordor. More important, however, is his personal struggle with the Ring. It is trying to take hold of him, and very nearly succeeding. If not for Frodo's faithful companion, Sam, it is doubtful that Frodo could survive this struggle. However, along the way, his encounter with Gollum (Smeagol) teaches him mercy and gives him hope for survival.
"I have to believe he can come back!"
The strength of this quiet Hobbit is all that carries Frodo through his struggles. Despite the fact that he calls himself Frodo's gardener, he guards Frodo's life more closely than his own. He does not trust Gollum, but he is willing to follow wherever Frodo may lead.
"Samwise the Brave. ... Frodo wouldn't have got very far without Sam." -Frodo
Wise, brave and thoughtful as always, Merry tries to stir the Ents to war against Saruman. He realizes the danger, and also the consequences, of Saruman's actions.
"There won't be a Shire, Pippin."
Galadriel's prophecy -- "You will find your courage" -- rings true for Pippin. When Merry's reasoning won't turn the Ents to their cause, Pippin risks life and limb to show the Ents what they are facing.
"The closer we are to danger, the farther we are from harm. It's the last thing he'll expect."
This leader of Men, the "one who can unite them", leads Legolas and Gimli on a search for the kidnapped Hobbits. Through trials and dangers, death and loss, he forges on, never giving up his hope. His courage (and his luck) lights the fire of hope for the king of Rohan and gives the people strength to last through the battle.
"Open war is upon you, would you would risk it or not."
Courageous to a fault, and blood-thirsty for his foes, Gimli brings light to the shadows of war. His unceasing strength and war-hardened experience make him a formiddable foe.
"You could have picked a better spot."
Sharp-eyed and quick-footed as ever, Legolas puts his trust in Aragorn's leadership and stands against the armies of Isengard. His keen senses often warn of coming danger, and his arrows never miss their mark.
"Your friends are beside you, Aragorn."
Darkness turns to light as the Grey Pilgrim defeats the Balrog and returns to his friends as the White Wizard. He draws Saruman out of Rohan "as poison is drawn from a wound", and brings the much-needed reenforcements to Helm's Deep, leading the losing army to victory.
"I come back to you now, at the turn of the tide."
Men (and Women) of Rohan
Eomer is the nephew of Theoden, king of Rohan. Despite the fact that his uncle has fallen to the control of Saruman, Eomer is fiercely loyal to Rohan and continues to fight the Uruk-Hai even after banishment.
"Do not trust to hope; it has forsaken these lands."
Sister of Eomer and niece to Theoden, Eowyn is a strong and nobal shield-maiden of Rohan. She hungers to prove herself in battle and her strength sustains the refugees on the long and dangerous march to Helm's Deep.
"The women of this country learned long ago: those without swords may still die upon them. I fear neither death nor pain."
Long under Saruman's spell, Theoden is weak and frail and unable to defend his country. However, when Gandalf frees him from Saruman's control, his strength returns, and he leads his people to safety. He has no hope against the masses from Isengard, but remains courageous and valient to the end.
"Where is the horse and the rider? Where is the horn that was blowing? They have passed like rain on the mountain, like wind in the meadow. The days come down in the west behind the hills, to shadow."
Men of Gondor
Much like his brother Boromir, the Captain of the Guard of Gondor is tempted by the power of the Ring. However, also in keeping with Boromir's tradition, he sees the error of his ways before it is too late.
"I think at last we understand one another, Frodo Baggins."
Other Friends
Treebeard, also called Fangorn, is the oldest living creature in Middle Earth. He and the rest of the Ents are wise and slow to stir to action, but their wrath and strength are terrible once their anger has been kindled.
"Come my friends. The ents are going to war. It is likely that we go to our doom. The last march of the ents!"
Elven Army
Haldir of Lothlorien leads an army of Elves to Helm's Deep at the bidding of Elrond and Galadriel to assist the king of Rohan. Their arrival cheers the army of Men and brings hope.
"We are here to honor that allegence!"
The Bad Guys
The Balrog
Gandalf's most dangerous enemy brings him to the brink of death before at last being defeated.
"Through fire and water; from the lowest dungeon on to the highest peak I fought him: the Balrog of Morgoth." -Gandalf
Dunlending Wild Men
The Wild Men of Dunlending were once natives to the lands of Rohan, until the Rohirrim fought them and drove them out. Saruman uses this old grudge to stir the Wild Men to war against Rohan, where they pillage and burn the peaceful cities.
"The horsemen took your land. They drove your people into the hills to scratch a living off rocks. ... Take back the lands they stole from you! Burn every village!" - Saruman
Easterling Army
In the words of Gollum, "Sauron is drawing all armies to him". The Easterlings are dangerous savages from the desert that march to Mordor's Black Gate.
"Wicked men. Servants of Sauron. They are called to Mordor. The dark one is gathering all armies to him." - Gollum
Gollum (a.k.a. Smeagol)
Smeagol's struggle against his evil nature is a pivotal part of this story. Frodo's kindness brings hope to his sad existance, but, in the end, the power of the Ring has worked too long and too hard against him.

Gollum's verse
Cold be heart and hand and bone.
Cold be travellers far from home.
They do not see what lies ahead,
when sun has failed and moon is dead.
"We... we told him to go away! And away he goes, preciousss. Gone, gone, gone! Smeagol is free!"
Grima (a.k.a. Wormtongue)
Grima is the councelor of Theoden ... and the servant of Saruman. He long ago sold his allegence and spends his days poisoning and weakening Theoden's mind. When Gandalf releases Theoden from the spell, Grima flees back to Isengard.
"So fair, so cold, like a morning pale spring still clinging to winter's chill."
Saruman's hatred for Men will not be quenched until they have been destroyed. He revels in the death and destruction as he sends out his army of thousands against Helm's Deep, but is caught off guard when the Ents lay siege to his fortress at Isengard.
"There shall be no dawn for Man!"
Sauron gathers his armies and launches war against Gondor. And ever his eye is searching for the Ring Bearer...
"He wants the preciousss. Always he's looking for it! And the preciousss is wanting to go back to him." - Gollum

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